Policy Memorandum #20

Visitation in Army Family Housing (AFH) and Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)

IMHM-PWH                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #20, Visitation in Army Family Housing (AFH) and Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH)

1. The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works (DPW), Housing Division.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. Reference.  AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08.

4. Applicability.  This policy is applicable to all residents of AFH and UPH (Senior Leaders Quarters (SLQ), Bachelor Officer Quarters (BOQ) and Senior Enlisted Quarters (SEQ)) within USAG Humphreys.

5. Purpose.  To provide a uniform policy for visitation in AFH, UPH, (SLQ), (BOQ) and (SEQ) facilities on USAG Humphreys.

6. It is the policy of this command to permit visitation in AFH, UPH (SLQ, BOQ and SEQ) of authorized dependents and guests for a period of 30 calendar days when such visits do not infringe on the rights of other residents.

 a. Sponsors are responsible for the conduct of their dependent(s)/guest(s) and are expected to enforce high standards of conduct of their dependent(s)/guest(s).

 b. Visitors will not be permitted to remain in quarters in excess of 24 hours unless formal written permission is obtained.  A written notification to DPW, Housing Division is required when having visitors for over 24 hours.

 c. Written permission for visitation of dependent(s)/guest(s) must be obtained from the DPW, Housing Division Chief for 30 days or less.

 d. For visitation of 31 calendar days or more written permission from the Commander, USAG Humphreys is required.

7. Residents desiring to have dependents visit during their tour of duty will take the following actions prior to the arrival of their dependent(s) or guest(s).

 a. Requests (IAW b, c and d above), will be approved by the resident’s Company Commander and Battalion Commander before processing by the Housing Office.  All requests will include date of arrival, dependent’s name, age and the date of departure.  (Visitation request Memo’s are attached as 1 Enclosure.  All requests should be at the Housing Office, building 307 two (2) weeks prior to the arrival of dependent(s) or guest(s) to allow for processing. 

 b. Notify the Pass and ID Section and request access to the installation.

 c. Notify the Housing Office, building 307 when dependent(s)/guest(s) depart.

 d. Notify the Finance and Accounting Office if the visit will exceed seven (7) consecutive days.

8.  At no time will dependent spouses/children or other Family members be allowed to reside in UPH facilities (SLQ, BOQ or SEQ) with the service member. Any time that exceeds 30 days, visitation will be considered residing and the service member must come to the housing office to change their housing status.

9. Point of contact is Chief, Housing Division at 753-7358.


Encl                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
as                                                                         COL, SF


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