Policy Memorandum #28

Child Supervision

IMHM-CMO                                                                             1 August 2012        


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #28, Child Supervision

1. The proponency for this policy is the Civilian and Family Member Misconduct Officer.
2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

a. AR 608-18, the Army Family Advocacy Program, 30 Oct 07.

b. DoD Directive 6400.1, Family Advocacy Program, 21 Apr 09.

c. USAG Humphreys Policy Letter #3, Procedures and Guidelines for Processing of
Civilian and Family Member Misconduct, 1 Aug 12.

d. USFK Reg 190-1, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision

4. Applicability.  This policy is applicable to all United States Forces Korea military, civilians, contractors, technical representatives, and Korean National personnel and their Family members residing in or granted access to USAG Humphreys and Area III.

5. Purpose.  To define standards for child supervision at USAG Humphreys and Area III.

6. Policy.  Sponsors are responsible for ensuring the health, welfare, and safety of minor Family members, guests and dependents at all times and ensuring such persons obey the provisions of this policy.  The sponsor’s chain of command is responsible for the Family members assigned or attached to their respective command or agency.  However, the USAG Humphreys and Area III Commader retains authority and discretion in handling all Family member misconduct.

7. Parental Responsibilities. Parents are ultimately responsible for assessing their children and
determining appropriate freedoms and restrictions according to the child’s maturity and responsibility level. No child of any age will be left unattended under circumstances involving potential or actual risk to the child’s health and safety.

8. Policy Enforcement. USAG Humphreys and Area III residents, who observe anyone not
adhering to the supervision guidelines in this policy, may contact the following:

a. Military Police:
Humphreys, call DSN 753-3111 or commercial 031-690-3111
Suwon, call DSN 784-5515 or commercial 031-661-5515

b. Family Advocacy Hotline:
Dial 101 from any DSN telephone
From off post, dial 031-690-7101, or from cell phone, dial 0505-753-7101

9. Violations of the Policy. Actions taken when this policy is violated:

a. The sponsor, parent, or designated care provider will be contacted immediately to
provide supervision.  If the sponsor, parent, or designated care provider cannot be located, the Military Police will be contacted for appropriate action.

b. The sponsor, parent, or designated care provider may be investigated to determine if a
violation of this policy occured and appropriate disciplinary actions may be taken based upon the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act, or USFK/USAG Humphreys and Area III regulation and policy dealing with civilian and Family member misconduct.

c. Serious abuse or neglect cases, or persistent violations of this policy may result in
children being removed from the home, offenders barred from post, and/or the early return of dependents.  In a case involving contractors or technical representatives, a request will be forwarded to Contracting Command Korea requesting removal of the contractor and/or his Family members.

10.  Standards.  See Appendix A.  Not all possible situations or examples are covered in the
appendix, therefore parents and caregivers are expected to exercise sound judgment in all situations concerning the supervision of their children.

11.  Point of contact for this policy is the Civilian and Family Member Misconduct Officer at 754-0036.


Encl                                                          DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
Appendix A                                              COL, SF


Appendix A (Child Supervision Guidelines)
Rules for Leaving Children Alone

• Children up to age 10 may not be left at home alone and must have immediate access to
a responsible adult or babysitter - see note 1.

• Children age 11 and above with ready access can be left at home alone based on
parental discretion - see note 2. 

1.  Immediate access means within eyesight or hearing distance.
2.  Ready access is defined as, at a minimum, telephone access and telephone number of each person designated as adult supervision, e.g., a parent, guardian, babysitter, care provider or friend, etc. 

Rules for Children Playing Outside

• Children up to age 8 can play outside with immediate access to a responsible adult or babysitter  (see babysitter section below) at all times – see note 1. 

• Children age 9 and above can play outside with ready access to a responsible adult or
babysitter – see note 2. 

1.  Immediate access means within physical eyesight, e.g., by the playground, park, etc., and within hearing distance.
2.  Ready access is defined as, at a minimum, telephone access and telephone number of each person designated as adult supervision, e.g., a parent, guardian, babysitter, care provider or friend, etc. 

• Parents will decide the appropriate age of when one of their own children babysits his
or her sibling(s) as long as the rules for leaving children home alone are met.

• Children age 12 can babysit non-siblings for up to 6 hrs. 

• Children age 13 -15 can babysit non-siblings for up to 12 hrs.

• Children age 16 above can babysit non-siblings without restrictions.

Note:   It is recommended that children who babysit other than their siblings take the 4-H Babysitter’s Course offered by CYSS.  In accordance with Army Regulation 608-10, only
children age 13 and above, having satisfactorily completed the 4-H Babysitter’s Course (or equivalent), can be added to CYSS babysitting referral list.  When babysitting, all babysitters will have a verifiable, prearranged and responsible adult point of contact.

Child Supervision (Walking to and from school)

• Children in the kindergarten to 2nd grades and below may not walk to or from school and
other DOD sanctioned activities alone.

• Children in 3rd grades and above may walk to and from school and other DOD
sanctioned activities alone. 

Note:  Parents must consider the distance to the school, DOD sanctioned activities area, school building opening time, hours of darkness, and the child’s maturity.

Child Supervision (In a car)
• At no time, children age 10 and below may be left alone in a car.
• Children age 11 and above.  See note below.
Note:  At all times, when a child is left alone in the car, the parents will make an informed choice, e.g., regarding heat, level of danger, time in the car, etc.  The car key must be removed and the handbrake applied.


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