Movie Theater

STARTING AUG. 1, 2012 these are the Exchange Theater admission prices for movies at Camp Humphreys.

  Regular Children (ages 6 to 11) 
New Releases $5.50 $2.75
Regular Showings $5 $2.50
Repeat Showings (DVD Released) $4.50 $2.25
Special Play (Classics) $3.50 $1.75

Those admission prices are $5.50 for first-run movies and $5 for regular releases. Admission for children (ages 6 to 11) is $2.75 for first runs and $2.50 for regular movies. Repeat showings, which are movies that have been released on DVD, will be $4.50 for adults and $2.25 for children, and Special Play movies, such as classics, will be $3.50 for adults and $1.75 for children. Also, an additional $2 is added to the admission price for 3D movies.

Download this months movie scheduleview the calendar or visit the exchange website for movie times and details.

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Date created: 8/31/2010 3:11:13 PM
Date last updated: 10/9/2012 9:56:44 AM