Policy Memorandum #48

Procedures for Requesting Space Within the U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys

IMHM-PWM                                                                                               1 August 2012                                                                                                  


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum # 48, Procedures for Requesting Space within the U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys

1.  The proponent for this policy is the Real Property Branch, Master Planning Division, DPW. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.  Reference AR 405-70, Utilization of Real Property, 12 May 06.

4.  Purpose:  This policy letter establishes procedures and guidelines for requesting space within US Army Garrison Humphreys.  All requests for space must be submitted in a Statement of Requirements (SORs) format.  The format is shown at Appendix A.

5.  Applicability:  This policy applies to all organizations currently occupying or desiring to occupy space on USAG Humphreys installations.

6.  Procedures:

a. SORs must be submitted by Unit Commanders/Staff principals and forwarded to
the Director, Directorate of Public Works (DPW) for Area III.  SORs not submitted by or signed by Unit Commanders/Staff Principals will be returned without action.

b.  The DPW will staff the space request through DPTMS for operational validation.  SORs must be coordinated by the requestor through the organization’s higher headquarters (e.g., IMCOM-P, 8th Army, AAFES, etc.).

c.  The authority to request space cannot be delegated below the Unit
Commander/ Principal Staff level.

d.  For other service components such as the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps, the
requests must be submitted through their respective local Real Estate/Property Office to USAG Humphreys.

e.  In the case of requesting additional space, Unit Commanders/Staff Principals must ensure that their organizations have made every conceivable effort internally to maximize the use of existing space within their area of operation, before submitting a request.  If the additional requirement is still valid, a SOR in the format shown at Appendix A (to include the information listed at Appendix B) must be submitted.

f.  A request for new/ additional space, under any pre-established contract
(e.g., Interservice Support Agreement (ISA) / Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) / Memorandum of Understanding (MOU etc.) must be staffed through the USAG Humphreys Commander before approval can be granted for assignment of space on USAG Humphreys installations, and be approved by IMCOM-P when necessary.

g. All requests will be analyzed to determine authorizations and requirements, and may include a site visit.  Unresolved space issues will be presented to the USAG Humphreys Commander for decision.

h.  Requests will generally be processed within 45 days of receipt.  Failure to submit the request 45 days prior to the requested date of use may result in the request being delayed.

i.  Maximum involvement on the part of all Unit Commanders and Principal Staff is
expected to ensure full implementation of this policy at all levels of all USAG Humphreys organizations.

7.  The point of contact of rthis policy is Directorate of Public Works at 753-5523.


4 Appendices                                                           DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
A – SOR Format                                                     COL, SF
B – Essential Elements of Info                                   Commanding
C – New/Expension Tenant Req Format
D – Threshold Criteria for IMCOM

A & B

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