Policy Memorandum #45

Newcomers Orientation Program Procedures

IMHM-MWA                                                                                              1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #45, Newcomer’s Orientation Program Procedures

1. The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation, Army Community Service.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.

 a. Command Policy Letter #16, Sponsorship and In-Processing, 1 July 2009.

 b. FRAGO 7 to 8th Army OPORD 30-06 (2010 Korean Head Start Program Class Schedule for all Area III Soldiers Stationed at USAG Humphreys).

 c. USFK Regulation 614-2 (In-Processing Orientation Program), 9 July 2011.

4. Applicability.  This policy letter applies to members of all Services, DOD civilian employees, and spouses of all.

5. Purpose.  To establish policies and procedures, assign responsibilities, and provide installation guidance for all military and civilian personnel and their adult Family members assigned to Camp Humphreys and Area III as permanent party, or those attached to units stationed on, or located within the Camp Humphreys and Area III geographical area and to ensure inbound USFK personnel and their adult Family members are given an introduction to the Korean culture and are cognizant of installation policies, services, and programs.

6. General.

 a. Newcomers’ Orientation will be conducted every Tuesday at the Community Sports Center (Super Gym), 0830-1200.  This ongoing weekly program will ensure newly arrived personnel receive timely information regarding community resources, policies, and programs.  In addition, Newcomers’ Orientation is conducted twice monthly at the Suwon Army Community Service building 2200, Suwon Air Base.

 b. Newcomers’ Orientation attendance is a pre-condition for acquiring a USFK driver’s license.  Youth seeking to attain driver’s permits are not required to attend Newcomers’ Orientation.

 c. Army Community Service will provide documentation confirming Newcomers’ Orientation attendance to the Directorate of Logistics no later than close of business every Tuesday.  This document will be used by the Driver’s Testing Facility to validate attendance before anyone will be allowed to test and be issued a USFK driver’s license.  The Driver’s Testing Facility is located on the 2nd floor of building 712.  Additional information on driver’s testing is available on the USAG Humphreys website.

 d. The weekly Newcomers’ Orientation conducted at the Camp Humphreys Community Sports Center and the bi-weekly Newcomers’ Orientation conducted at Suwon Army Community Service, augmented by the 3-day Korean Cultural Awareness training program mandated by 8th Army, will further prepare newly arrived personnel for their assignment to the Republic of Korea through language training, cultural awareness, and tours.

7. Responsibilities.

 a. Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (DFMWR) Army Community Service (ACS) has the responsibility to plan and coordinate the weekly Newcomers’ Orientation Program, augmented by the 3-day Korean Cultural Awareness training program mandated by 8th Army.

 b. ACS will ensure that the Newcomers’ Orientation agenda does not duplicate information presented at the USAG Yongsan First Replacement Center In-processing program.

 c. Agencies listed on the Newcomers’ Orientation agenda will adhere to the agenda schedule and will ensure an agency representative will be present as scheduled on an ongoing, weekly basis.  All other community agencies not listed on the agenda are highly encouraged to staff information tables and bring adequate supplies of brochures and program literature representing their respective organizations.

 d. Per FRAGO 7 to 8th Army OPORD 30-06, MSC commanders will ensure all newly arriving personnel and their Family members assigned to USAG Humphreys attend the Newcomers’ Orientation and the 3-day Korean Cultural Awareness training program within 30 days of their arrival.

 e. Individuals seeking exceptions to this policy will prepare a written request that will be forwarded to the Director, Family and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation for approval or disapproval.

8. Point of contact is the Army Community Service Director at 753-3103.


                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                      COL, SF


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