Policy Memorandum #63

Policies and Procedures for Common Access Cards

IMHM-PWM                                                                                               1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #63, Policies and Procedures for Common Access Card

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works, Real Property Division.

2. This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3. References.  Memorandum for Record, Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, 14 Dec 04, Subject: The Army Standards for Electronic Key Card Access for all Facilities.

 a. The Army Standard for all buildings to have key card access is hereby approved.  This standard is effective immediately and must be applied to new building construction and major renovation on all Army installations. 

 b. The Army Installation Design Standard (IDS) entry in Chapter 3.5.11 will be changed to read “Locks and locking devices.  Programmable electronic key card access systems will be installed in all Army facilities.”  The Facilities and Housing Directorate will ensure that this Army Standard is incorporated into the IDS and announced in the IDS Electronic Newsletter.

 c. The Army Facilities Standardization Committee must approve any planned deviation from this standard prior to finalizing designs for construction or major renovation projects.

4. Purpose.  To prescribe policies and procedures for all military and civilian personnel who are granted access to Army Family Housing (AFH), Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH), Administrative or Maintenance Facilities.

5. Battalion S-2’s or Directorate of Public Works (DPW)/Housing USAG Humphreys, will be the proponent for authorizing and encoding all door access on USAG Humphreys and Area III.  Units without S-2’s will use DPW as their point of contact to encode their Common Access Card (CAC) information.

6. This policy memo provides information on the procedures for issue and encoding of all installation access.  The DPW/Battalion S-2’s or Housing has the responsibility to ensure all access is coded correctly.

 a. Implementation:

  (1)  A non-networked facility scenario:  A centralized database will be kept for all facilities and rooms.  An administrator from DPW/Battalion S-2 or Housing uses the database to generate a card coded with the buildings and/or rooms the user may enter.  The non-networked locks on the door recognize the code and grant access.

  (2)  Generally, the system will work as follows:  Facilities will have card readers on all entrance doors. Users of the facility will insert their cards into the readers. Users are granted admission based on a match of the information on their cards against data in the computer that serves as the system control. Depending on the security access level of the building, personnel may need to swipe their cards to leave the facility as well.

  (3)  Existing metal key system:  Until all existing buildings are fitted with the new CAC card key system the existing procedures will remain in effect for those facilities with Metal keys.  Keys are issued to a Soldier for the UPH room/offices by the gaining unit.  If the person is a civilian the keys are issued to him/her by their supervisor or Key control person for the authorized room/building access.   Housing will issue all keys for UPH and family quarters.

 b. Who Needs Access:  Requirements for 'Initial' pre-coded CAC/card keys and keying schedule:

  (1)  One independent CAC-card key for each bedroom occupant:  That will open assigned Bedroom, 1st Floor Main Front & Rear doors, assigned Floor-Level Laundry and will also open all Lounges.   The lockset will be capable of storing records or similar audit trails with capacity to access, monitor and extracting the events.  All personnel access will be based on their DEROS or ETS as stated in their orders or Letter of Employment.  All Soldiers and civilians that live in UPH or AFH will be coded by Family Housing.   Family Housing will not switch from hard key to a card Key System in AFH because of the unique situation with family members and children under the age of 12 years who do not have CAC card accessibility.

  (2)  Four each card key for Telecomm-501st Sig/CATV:  That each card plastic key will open all Telecomm Rooms at all floors of all buildings that have comm systems.

  (3)  Four each card key for Maintenance Personnel:  That will open 1st Floor Main Front & Rear doors and open all Mechanical and Boiler rooms at all floors.

  (4)  Two each Grandmaster card keys for the Law Enforcement Division and three each Grandmaster Metal Key for Fire Station:  That will open all interior and all exterior doors.  The lockset, besides the card plastics keys, will also have a 'metal key' access. The 'metal key' access will be a Grandmaster metal key that will open all the doors for the facilities. The intent is for Fire Station's emergency access by using the Grandmaster metal key set as the card plastic key may malfunction during fire. Note that bedroom's individual metal key for the lockset is not required.

  (5)  Two each per floor, Master key plastic key for Building Managers:  That will open all doors except Mechanical and Boiler rooms.  These keys will be secured in a locked key box and signed out only as needed for emergency situations. 

 c. Issue, Repair & Replacement:

  (1)  The DPW and Housing are responsible for the installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of locks and keys and key card systems for all real property facilities.  All locks that are for non-real property such as lockers, mailboxes, cabinets, desks or similar items are not maintained or repaired by DPW.

  (2)  In the event that a Soldier’s/civilian’s residence (on base only) office CAC is lost, stolen or no longer works correctly, the procedures outlined below will be followed:

  (a)  Lost or broken CAC cards will be replaced at the One-Stop ID card section.  The Soldier/civilian who loses a CAC must report it to the MP station and get an MP report and then get a signed memorandum describing the reason the CAC was lost, signed by the Commander, First Sergeant or civilian equivalent with all access rooms listed in the memo and then report with their new CAC to either their Battalion S-2 or DPW/Housing.  CAC cards that are not physically damaged but will no longer activate the locking system will be replaced with only the memo from the Commander, First Sergeant or civilian equivalent with designated access level listed.  The new CAC will then be inserted into the authorized locks to deactivate them.  Then the appropriate CAC administrator person will reprogram that entire individual’s access based on the approved memo.

  (b)  Soldiers/civilians that lose or damage their CAC key cards after duty hours, weekends, and holidays will contact their Building Manager to obtain access to their UPH or office and have it opened with the master key.  On the next working day the Soldier/civilian will follow the procedures as indicated in paragraph 6b(1) above.  The Housing Division will be responsible for all the UPH and AFH.

  (c)  US Government keys are not authorized to be reproduced commercially for any reason.
  (d)  CAC card master keys can only be programmed by the Battalion S-2 or DPW/Housing and the memo must be signed by an O6 for Military or Director of DPW for civilian.

  (e)  All damaged or broken CAC cards will be returned to the ID card section for disposal by the person owning the CAC card.

 d. Lost or Missing Metal Keys:

  (1)  When a person loses a key due to negligence or willful misconduct, he or she may be assessed financial liability for the lost key in accordance with AR 735-5 Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability, paragraph 14-22, Mar 05.

  (a)  Submit a memorandum signed by Unit Commander/1SG or civilian equivalent to DPW Service Order Section.  This memorandum will include Bldg#/Room#, number of keys required, type of keys, justification for duplication of keys, or any other information to help DPW understand the situation.

  (b)  Soldiers/civilians will pay $10.00 (metal key), $11.00 (Plastic Card Key-non CAC), and $14.00 (Metal Card Key-dog tag type) per type of keys to DPW Accounting Branch.  They can go to the Locksmith (Bldg 674) to make the duplicate after payment is made in cash.  Cost is subject to change based on vender prices.  CAC cards replacement cost may be assessed on to the customer by DES after this procedure is in place.

  (c)  DPW Accounting Technician visits Finance on a regular basis to deposit the collected cash.

  (2)  Keys lost not due to Soldiers’ negligence or willful misconduct will be accessed by the unit chain of command to determine the proper course of action.

  (3)  If it is found during unit key inventory that some keys are missing, and there is no one to hold accountable, unit RM can decide to use unit funds to replace the missing keys, in accordance with AR 420-1, Mar 09, Chapter 3-64, page 99, Resident’s potential pecuniary liabilities also AR 735-5, Feb 05, Chapter 13, page 43, Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss.

 e. Life Cycle of the Card:  Descriptions of the seven card life cycle activities are as follows:

  (1)  CAC Card Request.  This activity applies to the initiation of a request for the issuance of a CAC card to an applicant and the validation of this request.

  (2)  Identity Proofing and Registration.  The goal of this activity is to verify the claimed identity of the applicant and that the entire set of identity source documents presented at the time of registration is valid.
  (3)  CAC Card Issuance.  This activity deals with the personalization of the card and the issuance of the card to the intended applicant.

  (4)  CAC Credential Issuance.  This activity deals with generating logical credentials and loading them onto the CAC card.

  (5)  CAC Card Usage.  During this activity, the CAC card is used to perform cardholder authentication for access to a physical or logical resource.  Access authorization decisions are made after successful cardholder identification and authentication.

  (6)  CAC Card Maintenance.  This activity deals with the maintenance or update of the physical card and the data stored thereon.  Such data includes various card applications, PIN, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) credentials, and biometrics.

  (7)  CAC Card Termination.  The termination process is used to permanently destroy or invalidate the CAC card and the data and keys needed for CAC authentication so as to prevent any future use of the card for authentication.  For civilians only, the military retain their CAC upon permanent change of station (PCS).

7.  Point of contact is the Master Planning Division, DPW at 753-7671. 


                                                                            DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                            COL, SF

A & B

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