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Hunger in America

Thanksgiving is nearing, but not everyone will be able to enjoy a delicious holiday meal.  The USDA recently released a report that shows more and more Americans are going hungry.  I am very concerned about this increase because these statistics are not numbers on a page, they are hungry people, hungry children, struggling from day-to-day. 

Throughout last week I had multiple opportunities to reflect on the issue of hunger.  On Monday, I began my week in Scranton at a Witnesses to Hunger exhibit tour event.  Witnesses to Hunger is a project featuring photographs by Philadelphia women who are working to create better lives for their children.  By displaying their photos and sharing their personal stories, these women are focusing the attention of community members and policy makers on impacts of hunger. 

As I participated in a hearing on the reauthorization of child nutrition programs on Tuesday, I kept thinking of the stories I had heard the previous day.  I firmly believe that Congress must take greater actions to support child nutrition programs in order to ensure success.  Since arriving in the Senate, I have introduced multiple bills concerning hunger and nutrition issues, including the Summer Food Service Rural Expansion Act, the Emergency Food Assistance Act, the National Hunger Relief Act and the Paperless Enrollment for School Meals Act.  As the reauthorization process continues, I will work to improve the current programs. 

Throughout the last year, 49 million people, 17 million of them children, were unable to consistently get enough food to eat.  This is tragic, and this is unacceptable. Throughout the upcoming holiday season and throughout my entire time as a Senator, I will continue to work toward eliminating hunger.  I ask for your help and for your support in this effort.

Posted 11/23/09 at 6:12:00 PM EST by Bob Casey
Tags: Hunger

Witnesses to Hunger

This week in the United States Senate, I am proud to host an exhibit called Witnesses to Hunger, a project created by Dr. Mariana Chilton at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA.  The exhibit is on display in the Rotunda of the Russell Senate Office Building and is open to visitors through the end of this week. 

The exhibit documents the lives of 40 women and their struggles to combat hunger and poverty not only for themselves but also for their children.

Witnesses to Hunger reminds us that government programs impact real families in Pennsylvania and across the nation and that by investing in our children, we invest in our future.

I invite you to learn more and visit the site if you are in Washington, D.C.  Details can be found below.

Witnesses to Hunger 5/6/2009

Posted 5/6/09 at 10:10:00 PM EDT by Bob Casey
Tags: Hunger

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