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Directorate of Human Resources (DHR)
Darling Hall, Rm. 250
307 Chamberlain Ave.
Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Tel: 706-791-9325
DSN: 780-9325
Contact: Email


Army Career & Alumni Program (ACAP)
 Building 33800
33800 Rice Road
Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Tel: 706-791-7356 / 7333
Transition Services Manager
Tel: 706-791-2009
Hours: M-F 0730-1600
Department of Veterans Affairs
Tel: 706-791-8765
Hours: M-F 0800-1600

Fort Gordon Directorate of Human Resources

Welcome to  Fort Gordon's Directorate of Human Resources  (DHR) on-line  information system. This website  is designed to focus on  human resource  issues and concerns. 

The Directorate of Human Resources serves as a consultant  to the commander and staff on all matters pertaining to military personnel.



Army Career & Alumni Program (ACAP) Center

We are here to provide comprehensive transition services and job assistance to military personnel, Department of the Army civilians (DACs), and their authorized Family Members.

The ACAP Center is the first step for transitioning personnel.  ACAP staff evaluates clients’ needs and prepares individualized transition plans. A preseparation packet contains guidebooks which impart valuable information on transition services and benefits. This facility provides ongoing standardized job search skills training, individual assistance and counseling, workshops and seminars, and one-stop-job hunting activities. Individual counselors are available to provide personalized counseling as well as individual needs assessment. A reference library is also available for use.

We are located at 33800 Rice Road, Fort Gordon, GA 30905.  Our hours of operation:  0730–1600 Monday – Friday.


In addition to giving vital direction to one's transition, pre-separation planning through ACAP is congressionally mandated by Public Law 107-10.  Also, the VOW (Veterans Opportunity to Work) to Hire Heroes ACT of 2011 stipulates that all separating Soldiers that completed 180 consecutive days on Active Duty, regardless of rank, are required to receive Pre-separation Counseling, not later than 12 months prior to ETS/retirement, attend the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Workshop (NLT 9 months prior), and the Veteran Affairs (VA) Benefits Briefing (NLT 6 months prior).  (See the Army Transition “No Later Than” Timeline).   

Installation clearance requirement:  A completed DD Form 2648, which you will receive from your supporting ACAP Center, is your proof that you have received the required counseling. Soldiers cannot clear Fort Gordon without this checklist. Retiring Soldiers can begin using ACAP two years prior to retirement and Soldiers who are separating can begin using ACAP 18 months prior to ETS, but NLT 12 months prior to separating (for chapter and medical cases, as soon as the Soldier enters that process).   
The Army has a real stake in your success as a transitioning soldier. Your success is an affirmation of the Army’s value as a "great place to start" and your successful transition is a living advertisement for Army service.  (See CG’s Policy #19, Transition Services Council).


To attend the pre-separation briefing, call us at 791-7356 or 791-7333. You’ll need to provide us with your name, rank, last four of Social Security Number, branch of service, unit, AKO account ID, duty telephone number and your separation date or the type of "out" you are expecting. 

The Pre-Separation Counseling Checklist, DD Form 2648, can now be initiated from your office or home PC by accessing ACAP Online at  Allow at least 2 hours to complete the form.  Once you have completed the form on line, contact the ACAP Center at (706)791-7333 to set up an appointment to meet with an ACAP counselor to complete your initial counseling session, print the form, and assist you in scheduling all required events, as well as other events of interests.  (See FG 5-Day Curriculum).

ACAP Online ( is your speedy access to the Army's transition program (ACAP), which provides immediate access to services via a high speed portal for those considering transition and those in the process of transition. Anywhere you have Internet access, you can use ACAP Online, even in remote locations: in the comfort of your own home or convenience of your office and yes, even in the field or motor pool.  With ACAP Online you can: 


During the mandatory pre-separation briefing, you are provided with information on services and benefits that you may be entitled to as a result of your military service.  You prepare your Pre-separation Counseling Checklist, which is necessary for your final out-processing.

During the Pre-separation Briefing you will be encouraged to make schedule appointment for the mandatory ACAP workshops and seminars to include: 


All soldiers (regardless of component) who receive a DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) IAW AR 635-5 (Separation Documents) paragraph 2-1; dated 15 Sep 00 are required to receive the preseparation briefing and complete the DD Form 2648 with the following exceptions:


Completion of the Preseparation Counseling document (DD Form 2648) should be the first step in a soldier’s transition process.  Soldiers preparing for deployment who will have less than 12 months remaining until separation or retirement  upon their return from deployment must receive their preseparation briefing prior to deployment. 


The ACAP Center staff thank you for your military service and look forward to meeting with you at the ACAP Center .  An appointment must be scheduled by calling 791-7356/7333 or you can schedule an appointment online at


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