Early Warning Reporting - Field Report Submissions


Last Updated: June 24, 2004

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Office of Defect Investigations (ODI) has developed the following document for you to download:

Field Report Submissions - PDF Version (File Size: 228KB)

This document is in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). It contains information about field report submissions.

Download Instructions

Use one of the following methods to download the document:

  • Click on the document link to start the download. The document appears in a pop-up window. You can view the document or save it to a directory on your PC.
  • Click your right mouse button on the document link and select Save Target As from the menu that appears. The Save As dialog box appears. Select the directory where you want to store the file and click Save.

If the Download Fails

If the download process is interrupted for any reason, just click on the document link to re-start the process. You can return to a particular link as many times as necessary to get a complete download.