National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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As a national program for the NERRS, the Coastal Training Program is currently active at all 28 Reserves.  The longest running CTPs are North Carolina and Waquoit Bay, both of which have been operating since October 2002.  The most recently approved program is at the Mission-Aransas Reserve in Texas.

All Coastal Training programs follow a similar path.  All Reserves are required to meet specific conditions to have a nationally approved CTP.

  • First, the program must have an advisory committee to assist in developing and providing direction for the program. Each advisory committee must have representation from the state’s Coastal Zone Management Program and Sea Grant Program.
  • Second, the reserve must complete an analysis of the training provider market at a local and regional scale. This analysis will also help the reserve identify potential decision-maker audiences to target through the program.
  • Third, the reserve must assess the training needs of any potential audiences the CTP will address.
  • Fourth, the CTP must to develop a strategy to guide the program’s activities over a three-year timeframe.
  • Finally, the program must develop a marketing plan outlining actions that will promote CTP to its audiences. These criteria were established as a foundation for the long-term success of the program and are unique compared to other efforts across NOAA that seek to engage adult audiences.

All reserve CTPs must follow these guidelines.  Additionally, each will define more specifically what coastal resource issues will be addressed by their CTP, through periodic audience assessment, planning and strategy development. As place-based protected areas, the Reserves can also provide locally relevant field sites for CTP training workshops or events.  The South Slough NERR provides an example of how a successful training program is developed.

Last Updated on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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