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LRO Image Gallery

  Image Gallery : Hardware Assembly

  Building LRO

For more photos and description of this building process, go to the LRO Spacecraft Blog

  Attitude Control System

Reaction Wheel Assembly Setup for Testing

RWA Balancing Machine Pedestals and bracket

Reaction Wheel on Kistler Table (No Cover)


Engineering Model

Model Under Test

Mass Simulator


Engineering Model Filter Testing

Yoke Fabrication


EM Lunar Terminator Sensor

Optics Installed in Enclosure and Aligned

Flight Model Optics - Witness Mirrors Left, Grating on Right


Mass Scaling Unit

Mass Scaling Unit

Working on the Mass Si


EM Transmitter in Laser Lab

Addition of the TVAC Cold Plate

EM Transmitter TVAC Chamber


Simulator Delivery

NAC Assembly Fixture

Flight Model NAC Tube in Process


Mini-RF Antenna Mass Simulator

  Propulsion Depolyment Electronics

Ground Support Electronics front view

Module D ETU Width View

  Propulsion Hardware

Propellant Tank - removing the Casing

Prop Tanks - Case Off vs Case On

Single Prop Tank in Clean Tent Close-up

  Power System

Solar Array Module_A

Brad Kercheval testing PSE

Power Monitor and_ Contro Card ETU Undergoing Test


Close-up of Ka-band Horn on Right and S-Band on Left

Carbon Filled Foam Filter Cone used_in LRO Anechoic Chamber

Anechoic Chamber Used to Measure Radiation Patterns and Performance of HGA in test

  Spacecraft Mockup

Viewing the Spacecraft Mockup

Optical Bench

Cathy looks at Narrow Angle Camera.

  Solar Array

Substrate Pre-Solar Cells

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