Title: e-BIZ

Country: Macedonia

Primary Focus: Entrepreneurship
Start Date: 2003

Objective: e-BIZ was a Global Development Alliance (GDA) activity that leveraged over $1 million in matching funds from local entrepreneurs who invested in, own, and run 8 e-BIZ centers throughout Macedonia. The centers offere high-impact ICT solutions to SMEs in tourism, apparel, footwear, online management, fashion, engineering, digital media, and business services.

ICT for Small Enterprise Capacity Building

Title: ICT for Small Enterprise Capacity Building

Country: India

Primary Focus: Value Chain, Agricultural
Start Date: 2006

Objective: Applies a value chain approach to the development of sustainable and scalable models for facilitating the growth of micro and small enterprises, and develops ICT enabled applications for improving private sector training service delivery and fresh-produce supply chain management in India.

Key Implementing Partner: ACDI/VOCA

End Date: 2007

ICT Entrepreneurship Program

Title: ICT Entrepreneurship Program

Country: Egypt 

Primary Focus: Competitiveness
Start Date: 2005

Objective: To assist the nation of Egypt in becoming more competitive in global markets, Egyptian information and communications technology (ICT) businesses need access to capital markets—domestic, regional, and international.

Key Implementing Partner: Nathan Associates, Inc.

End Date: 2007

The Bulgaria ICT Cluster

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June 5, 2008

The following case study examines the development of the Bulgarian ICT cluster and reports on its activities today, three years after graduating from direct donor-funded support, and how it had some impact on the success of the Bulgarian IT sector.

Global Ready Indonesia

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May 11, 2010

SRA International was selected by Qualcomm to establish and implement technology training centers in Indonesia. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate the value of wireless technology in connecting disadvantaged populations with high quality training. SRA International helped to select the pilot region of Indonesia, as well as manage the training program, which now currently trains over 1,000 participants. This Notes from the Field examines the project, discusses how it was started, obstacles and successes it faced, and lessons learned.

When Should the ICT Sector be a Target for Private Sector Competitiveness Work? (Technical Note)

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November 15, 2007

This technical brief attempts to assist USAID mission staff and project implementers in determining when it is appropriate to utilize either of these two approaches and what project activities should be tailored to each approach. It was developed based on the authors’ skills and experience as well as interviews with 19 current or recently completed economic growth projects (see Appendix A) that focused primarily on the ICT sector as a target sector (although a few also focused on using ICT as a means to improving impact in non-ICT target sectors).

ICT as a Catalyst to Enterprise Competitiveness

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Document Type: 
February 15, 2010

This research report continues research summarized in a previous Business Growth Initiative (BGI) technical note, When Should the ICT Sector Be a Target for Private Sector Competitiveness Work? This research report is targeted to those who design and implement donor ICT projects focused on supporting enterprise competitiveness and is based on interviews conducted with 18 projects.

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