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NREPP Glossary

The following definitions have been drawn from numerous sources and are tailored specifically for content on the NREPP Web site. The terms defined here may have slightly different meanings in other settings.

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NREPP provides two types of ratings for each intervention reviewed: Quality of Research and Readiness for Dissemination. Each intervention has multiple Quality of Research ratings (one per outcome) and one overall Readiness for Dissemination rating. QOR and RFD ratings are followed by brief "Strengths and Weaknesses" statements where reviewers comment on the studies and materials they reviewed and explain what factors may have contributed to high or low ratings.

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Readiness for Dissemination
One of the two main categories of NREPP ratings. Readiness for Dissemination (RFD) is how NREPP quantifies and describes the quality and availability of an intervention's training and implementation materials. More generally, it describes how easily the intervention can be implemented with fidelity in a real-world application using the materials and services that are currently available to the public. For more information on the reviewers who rate RFD and how ratings are derived, see the NREPP page on Review Process Readiness for Dissemination.

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Reliability of measure
The degree of variation attributable to inconsistencies and errors involved in measures or measurements. Key types include test-retest, interrater, and interitem. Reliability of measures is one of the six NREPP criteria used to rate Quality of Research.

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The original investigator(s) or an independent party has used the same protocol with an identical or similar target population, and/or has used a slightly modified protocol with a slightly different population, where results are consistent with positive findings from the original evaluation.

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