Policy Memorandum #64

First Responders Charter

IMHM-ES                                                                                                    1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Memorandum #64, First Responders Charter

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Emergency Services (DES).

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References.

a. DoDI 6055.6, DoD Fire and Emergency Services Program.

b. AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 2 Nov 07.

c. AR 40-3, Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care, 22 Feb 08.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to personnel assigned as first responders on USAG Humphreys.

5.  Purpose.  This policy designates the Director of Emergency Services as the overall responsible officer for emergency first response on USAG Humphreys and introduces the 2012 First Responder Charter (Encl 1).

6.  Point of contact is the Director, Emergency Services at 753-3199.


                                                                        DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                        COL, SF


1.   PURPOSE.  This charter sets forth first responder services provided by the USAG Humphreys Directorate of Emergency Services (DES) and the Humphreys Medical Clinic, and the standard to which we will perform these services. It informs you how to provide feedback and details our commitment to report on these services and to regularly review our performance. 
2.   WHO WE ARE.  The DES is the Garrison's primary law enforcement, fire and emergency services and the USAG Humphreys Medical Clinic is the medical transport agency.  A number of our facilities are maintained throughout USAG Humphreys.  Further details regarding emergency services can be found on the USAG Humphreys homepage:  DES.

3.   WHAT WE DO.  We provide the community with 24 hour essential first response, fire and emergency services, law enforcement, physical security, and force protection support to foster a safe and secure environment.  Our vision is to be a values-based organization that is respected and relied upon by the USAG-Humphreys community for the high standards we uphold, and the quality of customer-oriented services we provide.


      a.  First Responders.  Fire and Emergency Services, Military Police, and
Medical Transport services will work as a team to:
(1) Save and protect human life.

(2) Contain emergencies and limit escalation.

(3) Provide the public with warnings, advice, and information.

(4) Protect the health and safety of first responders.

(5) Protect property.

(6) Initiate recovery.

(7) Provide transport from the incident location.
      b.  911 Dispatchers.  Fire and Emergency Services, Military Police, and
Medical dispatchers will integrate and synchronize emergency response to:

(1) Determine the nature of calls they receive.

(2) Determine the location of the caller.

(3) Monitor the location of emergency service personnel.

(4) Direct the number of emergency service units to emergency scenes.

(5) Maintain communication with the units to monitor their response.

(6) Maintain communication with callers to monitor emergency situations.

      c.  Medical Transport.  Medical Transport is provided by the After Hours Clinic from the Humphreys Medical Clinic: 

(1) Ambulance support and dispatch will only be for on-post areas.

(2) Dispatched ambulances will have 1 Korean Service Corps driver and 1 medic and operate in a Basic Life Support (BLS) capacity. For significant incidents that occur during normal construction working hours (M-Sat, 0800-1700), a physician may accompany ambulances being dispatched to the new land.

(3) The USAG-Humphreys medical clinic is classified as an aid station and does not have an emergency room.  As a result, we cooperate extensively with our host nation emergency services and hospitals through memorandums of understanding (MOU) to ensure a high standard of service.

(4) During the hours of 0500-0800, and 1700-2000 (M-Sat), a physician will be on-call to provide consultation to ambulance personnel dispatched to the new land construction area.

5.   STANDARD OF SERVICE.  The DES and the Humphreys Medical Clinic are committed to providing a service of high quality Army standards, you can expect us to:
a. Arrive within 7 minutes to any on-post area with a goal to achieve this standard for 100% of all responses. 

b. Administer basic life support and first aid stabilization.

c. Provide ground or air transportation to the closest capable medical facility as soon as possible.
d. Maintain maps and knowledge of roads, projects sites, and other features in the new land construction area.
The DES's performance against these standards is measured and reported annually in a number of forums including the IMCOM customer service assessment and the Installation Status Report (ISR).

6.   FIRST RESPONDER FOCUS GROUP.  We are committed to monitoring and reporting on our performance. We will review this service charter on a monthly basis as part of our ongoing commitment to providing high quality customer service. We invite comments from the community, stakeholders and employees as part of our review process. The listed positions below are the members of the focus group:

a. Director of Emergency Services

b. Fire Chief

c. Provost Marshal

d. Humphreys Medical Clinic OIC

7.   FEEDBACK ON OUR PERFORMANCE.  Comments and suggestions may be provided to us in a number of ways:
a. Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE). http://ice.disa.mil/

b. In writing to the Director, Emergency Services at jeffery.m.thomas2.civ@mail.mil


_________________________  _________________________
CPT, MP                               MAJ, MD
Provost Marshal Humphreys Medical Clinic OIC


_________________________ _________________________
Chief, Fire Emergency Services Director, Emergency Services






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