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Technical Reporting Requirements

Format Requirements for Annual and Final Reports

  1. Annual reports must provide a complete summary of the research accomplishments to date with respect to the approved Statement of Work. Journal articles can be substituted for detailed descriptions of specific aspects of the research, but the original articles must be attached to the report as an appendix and appropriately referenced in the text. The importance of the report to decisions relating to continued support of the research can not be over-emphasized. A report shall be submitted within 30 calendar days of the anniversary date of the award and yearly thereafter. A final report will be submitted upon completion of the research (see para b below for additional requirements for a final report).
  2. A final report summarizing work conducted over the entire research period, citing data in annual reports and appended publications shall be submitted at the end of the award performance period. Journal publications can be substituted for detailed descriptions of specific aspects of the research, but an original copy of each publication must be attached as an appendix and appropriately referenced in the text.

    All final reports must include a bibliography of all publications and meeting abstracts and a list of personnel (not salaries) receiving pay from the research effort.

  3. There is no page limitation for the reports; each report shall be of sufficient length to provide a thorough description of the accomplishments with respect to the approved Statement of Work. Reports are to be submitted electronically (PDF or MS Word file (.doc) only) to: Problems accessing this site should be brought to the attention of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Help Desk at 301-619-2049.
  4. All reports shall have the following elements in this order: front cover, Standard Form (SF 298), table of contents, introduction, body, key research accomplishments, reportable outcomes, conclusions, references, and appendices. Pages shall be consecutively numbered throughout the report. DO NOT RENUMBER PAGES IN THE APPENDICES BUT DO INCLUDE THE APPENDICES IN THE PAGE COUNT IN BLOCK 18 ON THE SF 298. Mark all pages of the report which contain proprietary or unpublished data that should be protected. DO NOT USE THE WORD "CONFIDENTIAL" WHEN MARKING DOCUMENTS.
  5. DO NOT INCLUDE PATENTS AND REPORTS OF INVENTIONS in the report. Patents and Reports of Inventions should be sent directly to the Corresponding Officer and the Contracting Specialist.

FRONT COVER: The report type (e.g., grant, contract, SBIR, MIPR, etc.) and the distribution statement required will determine which Cover is appropriate for the report. Distribution statements are defned as follows:

  1. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
    1. This statement may be used only on unclassified technical documents that have been cleared for public release by competent authority in accordance with DoD Directive 5230.9. Technical documents resulting from contracted fundamental research efforts will normally be assigned Distribution Statement A, except for those rare and exceptional circumstances where there is a high likelihood of disclosing performance characteristics of military systems, or of manufaturing technologies that are unique and critical to Defense, and agreement on this situation has been recorded in the contract or grant.
    2. Technical documents with this statement may be made available or sold to the public and foreign nationals, companies, and governments, including adversary governments, and may be exported.
  2. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests for this document shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office)
    1. This statement may be used on unclassified technical documents.
    2. Reasons for assigning distribution statement B include: Foreign Government Information - To protect and limit distribution in accordance with the desires of the foreign government that furnished the technical information. Information of this type normally is classified at the CONFIDENTIAL level or higher in accordance with DoD 5200.1-R. Proprietary Information - To protect information not owned by the U.S. Government and protected by a contractors "limited rights" statement, or received with the understanding that it not be routinely transmitted outside the U.S. Government.
  3. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT for SBIR-STTR: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies only, Proprietary Information. The data delivered to the Government is marked with the SBIR Data Rights Notice, the Government may use the data for government purposes only, and cannot disclose the data outside the Government (except for use by support contractors) for a specified period of time.
  4. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT for Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request(MIPR): use the cover for either A or B depending on the material in the report.

From the list below select the front cover template appropriate for your required report type and Distribution Statement. Note, the Accession Document (AD) Number should be left blank.

STANDARD FORM 298: Following are instructions and blank Standard Forms 298 (SF 298) in both Word and PDF formats:

The abstract in Block 14 must state the purpose, scope, major findings and be an up-to-date report of the progress in terms of results and significance. Subject terms are keywords that may have been previously assigned to the proposal abstract or are keywords that may be significant to the research. The number of pages shall include all pages that have printed data (including the front cover, SF 298, table of contents, and all appendices). Please count pages carefully to ensure legibility and that there are no missing pages as this delays processing of reports. Page numbers should be typed: please do not hand number pages.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Here is a sample table of contents (25 KB) in Word template format.

The text of the report must include all sections addressed in the table of contents to include:

INTRODUCTION: Narrative that briefly (one paragraph) describes the subject, purpose and scope of the research.

BODY:This section of the report shall describe the research accomplishments associated with each task outlined in the approved Statement of Work. Data presentation shall be comprehensive in providing a complete record of the research findings for the period of the report.� Provide data explaining the relationship of the most recent findings with that of previously reported findings.� Appended publications and/or presentations may be substituted for detailed descriptions of methodology but must be referenced in the body of the report.� If applicable, for each task outlined in the Statement of Work, reference appended publications and/or presentations for details of result findings and tables and/or figures.� The report shall include negative as well as positive findings. Include problems in accomplishing any of the tasks.� Statistical tests of significance shall be applied to all data whenever possible.� Figures and graphs referenced in the text may be embedded in the text or appended.� Figures and graphs can also be referenced in the text and appended to a publication. Recommended changes or future work to better address the research topic may also be included, although changes to the original Statement of Work must be approved by the Army Contracting Officer Representative.� This approval must be obtained prior to initiating any change to the original Statement of Work.

KEY RESEARCH ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Bulleted list of key research accomplishments emanating from this research.

REPORTABLE OUTCOMES: Provide a list of reportable outcomes that have resulted from this research to include:

  • manuscripts, abstracts, presentations;
  • licenses applied for and/or issued;
  • degrees obtained that are supported by this award;
  • development of cell lines, tissue or serum repositories;
  • infomatics such as databases and animal models, etc.;
  • funding applied for based on work supported by this award;
  • employment or research opportunities applied for and/or received based on experience/training supported by this award

CONCLUSION: Summarize the results to include the importance and/or implications of the completed research and when necessary, recommend changes on future work to better address the problem. A "so what section" which evaluates the knowledge as a scientific or medical product shall also be included in the conclusion of the report.

REFERENCES: List all references pertinent to the report using a standard journal format (i.e. format used in Science, Military Medicine, etc.).

APPENDICES: Attach all appendices that contain information that supplements, clarifies or supports the text. Examples include original copies of journal articles, reprints of manuscripts and abstracts, a curriculum vitae, study questionnaires, and surveys, etc.

SUPPORTING DATA: All figures and/or tables shall include legends and be clearly marked with figure/table numbers.

Last Modified Date: 20-Jun-2012