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Presidential Decision Directives & Presidential Review Directives

The Clinton Administration issued 75 Presidential Decision Directives and 56 Presidential Review Directives between 1993 and 2001.


Presidential Decision Directives communicate Presidential decisions concerning national security and U.S. foreign policy.

PDD-1 - Establishment of Presidential Review and Decision Series (1/20/1993)
PDD-2 - Organization of the National Security Council (1/20/1993)
PDD-7 - Environmental Policy on Biodiversity and Global Climate Change (5/27/1993)
PDD-9 - Alien Smuggling (6/18/1993)
PDD-12 - Security Awareness and Reporting of Foreign Contacts (9/5/1993)
PDD-14 - US Policy on International Counternarcotics in the Western Hemisphere (11/3/1993)
PDD-15 - US Policy on Stockpile Stewardship Under an Extended Moratorium and a Comprehensive Test Ban (11/3/1993)
PDD-16 - Environmental Policy on International Desertification Forest Conservation and Freshwater Security (11/5/1993)
PDD-17 - U.S. Policy on Ballistic Missile Defenses and the Future of the ABM Treaty (12/11/1993)
PDD-19 - Environmental Policy on Mulitlateral Development Banks and Global Environmental Facility (1/5/1994)
PDD-23 - U.S. Policy on Foreign Access to Remote Sensing Space Capabilities (3/9/1994)
PDD-24 - US Counterintelligence Effectiveness (5/3/1994)
PDD-25 - U.S. Policy on Reforming Multilateral Peace Operations (5/3/1994)
PDD-26 - US Policy on Arctic and Antarctic Regions (5/9/1994)
PDD-28 - US Policy Toward Latin America and the Caribbean (9/8/1994)
PDD-29 - Security Policy Coordination (9/16/1994)
PDD-30 - U.S. Nuclear Posture and Policy on Nuclear Arms Control Beyond the START I and START II Treaties (9/21/1994)
PDD-36 - US Policy on Protecting Ocean Environment (4/5/1995)
PDD-39 - U.S . Policy on Counterterrorism (6/21/1995)
PDD-42 - International Organized Crime (10/21/1995)
PDD-47 - Nuclear Scientific and Technical Cooperation with Russia Related to Stockpile Safety and Security and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) Monitoring and Verification (3/4/1996)
PDD-48 - Anti-Personnel Landmines (APL) (6/26/1996)
PDD-53 - Amendment to Organization of National Security Council (1/9/1997)
PDD-63 - Critical Infrastructure Protection (5/20/1998)
PDD-65 - Amendment to Organization of National Security Council (6/23/1998)
PDD-70 - National Implementation of Chemical Weapons Convention (12/17/1999)

Presidential Review Directives
request specific reviews and analyses be undertaken by the departments and agencies concerning national security and U.S. foreign policy.

PRD-13 - Multilateral Peacekeeping operation (2/15/1993)
PRD-15 - US Policy Toward Nicaragua (2/22/1993)
PRD 23 - US Policy on Extraterritorial Application of National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) (4/8/1993)
PRD-25 - The Future of Arms Control and Disarmament (4/9/1993)
PRD-27 - Advanced Telecommunications and Encryption (4/16/1993)
PRD-29 - National Security Information (4/26/1993)
PRD-31 - U.S. Policy on Ballistic Missile Defenses and the Future of the ABM Treaty (4/26/1993)
PRD-43 - US Environmental Policy in Latin America and Caribbean (3/23/1995)
PRD-50 - Emergency Humanitarian Relief (1/10/1995)


PRDs and PDDs that are not yet available may be requested through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or by filing a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) request with the William J. Clinton Presidential Library. Please contact us for more information.


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