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Analysis Reports
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  FMCSA Safety Programs
Economic Analyses HTML PDF Word Excel PPT Text
Graphic Analysis of FMCSA's Revised Civil Penalties (1995-2006): A Follow-Up Study
August 2009
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Graphic This report updates a 2004 study of the effectiveness of the revised civil penalties established in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. The 2004 study focused on the impact of the revised civil penalty schedule on the dollar amount of fines assessed to carriers and on the number of violations assessed. This follow-up report reevaluates those findings, using more comprehensive data.
Graphic Compliance Review Cost Estimation
October 10, 2007
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Graphic This report is an update of a cost estimate produced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Analysis Division in 2004. It develops costs for both enforcing agencies and motor carriers. The previous report used 2002 data and information provided by the FMCSA Compliance Review Working Group during 2003. The current report uses data from Fiscal Year 2006 where available. In some cases, this report relies on assumptions made in the earlier cost estimate. All assumptions and statistics carried over from the 2004 cost estimate were confirmed to be still valid and reasonable by members of the Working Group.
Graphic Roadside Inspection Costs
October 11, 2007
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Graphic This report estimates the average total cost of a commercial vehicle roadside inspection. It is an updated and expanded version of a cost estimate produced by FMCSA staff in 2003. It includes both weighted and unweighted cost estimates for the various components of a roadside inspection.
Graphic Safety Audit Cost Estimation
October 10, 2007
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Graphic The purpose of this report is to provide cost estimates of conducting an average New Entrant Safety Audit. These estimates are used by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and State commercial motor vehicle enforcement agencies to help budget and allocate monetary resources. These estimates are also used for policy formulation. Costs are developed for both enforcing agencies and for motor carriers.
Graphic Paying for Safety: An Economic Analysis of the Effect of Compensation on Truck Driver Safety
September 10, 2002
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Graphic This report examines the link between truck driver pay and driver safety. It establishes a relationship that is important for policy purposes because it suggests that low driver pay, which we expect is linked to low but unmeasured human capital, may be an important predictor of truck driver safety.
Graphic Paying for Safety: An Economic Analysis of the Effect of Compensation on Truck Driver Safety, Executive Summary
September 10, 2002
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Graphic Executive Summary to the Paying for Safety: An Economic Analysis of the Effect of Compensation on Truck Driver Safety report which examines the link between truck driver pay and driver safety.
FMCSA Objectives
Graphic Measuring the FMCSA's Safety Objectives
From Year 2000 to 2004, January 2006
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Graphic This report documents the progress made towards FMCSA's safety objectives during listed years. A detailed description of the methodology for establishing metrics and benchmarks against which to assess progress is also described. This was done through the use of SafeStat information. SafeStat is a data-driven analysis system that utilizes a comprehensive variety of safety data to determine the relative safety fitness of motor carriers on a periodic basis. Overwhelmingly, the analyses/metrics in this report show that FMCSA is moving in a positive direction with respect to meeting its stated safety objectives.
Program Effectiveness
Graphic Evaluation of the CSA 2010 Operational Model Test
August 2011
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Graphic The FMCSA released the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) independent evaluation of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program’s Operational Model Test (Op-Model Test). The results confirm that the CSA model enables FMCSA and its State Partners to contact more commercial motor carriers earlier to correct safety problems and ensure compliance with safety regulations in order to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities related to commercial motor vehicles.
Graphic Safety Program Effectiveness Measurements
Graphic The CREM report documents the methodology and results of the CR Impact Assessment Model used to measure the effectiveness of one of the key safety programs of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Compliance Review (CR) program. The model measures the effectiveness of the CR in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its program, and to analyze the effects of implementing program changes.

The Roadside Intervention Model report documents the methodology and results from the Intervention Model, which is intended to provide the FMCSA with a means to gauge the effectiveness of two of its more critical safety programs - roadside inspections and traffic enforcement - in preventing crashes involving interstate motor carriers and in reducing related fatalities and injuries. The model is also intended to be a tool that the FMCSA can use periodically to measure the relative performance of its programs, and to analyze the effects of implementing different program changes.
Graphic    Compliance Review Effectiveness Model (CREM) Recent reports are available on the Safety Programs page.
Graphic    Roadside Intervention Model Recent reports are available on the Safety Programs page.
Graphic           Technical Documentation Technical report is available on the Safety Programs page.
Graphic    Prior Year Reports Full reports from prior years are available in the archives.

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