United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers

VISN 19 MIRECC Educational Services


Education Resources

Updated: 3 January 2013



Surviving Suicide

Suicide Attempt Survivor Family Resource Guide
This resource guide related to self-care, care for others (particularly children), and care for the suicide attempt survivor.
Download the Suicide Attempt Survivor Family Resource Guide. Updated 15 November 2012.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention
Informacion y Apoyo para los Sobrevivientes del Suicidio: Guia de Recursos del Departamento de Veteran Affairs para las familias que esten lidiando con el suicidio
This is the Spanish version of the resource guide related to self-care, care for others (particularly children), and care for the suicide attempt survivor.
Download the Informacion y Apoyo para los Sobrevivientes del Suicidio. Updated 15 November 2012.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention
How to Talk to a Child about a Suicide Attempt in Your Family: Guides Targeting Age Groups 4-8, 9-13 and 14-18
and now also available in Spanish!
Description: This information sheet is intended to serve as a guide for adults to use when talking with a 4-8, 9-13 or 14-18 year-old child about a suicide attempt in the family. It is not intended to replace the advice of a mental health professional. In fact, it may be best to use this along with professional support if you or your child is struggling with how to talk about this difficult topic. It is important to consider the child’s level of development and ability to understand events when deciding how to talk with them about this issue.

How to talk to a 4-8 year old about a suicide attempt
Cómo hablar con un hijo de 4 a 8 años acerca de un intento de suicidio en la familia

How to talk to a 9-13 year old about a suicide attempt
Cómo hablar con un hijo de 9 a 13 años acerca de un intento de suicidio en la familia

How to talk to a 14-18 year old about a suicide attempt
Cómo hablar con un hijo de 14 a 18 años acerca de un intento de suicidio en la familia
Keywords: Suicide Prevention
The VA Ace Card VA ACE Card (Ask, Care, Escort) 
The purpose of ACE is to help Veterans, their family members and friends learn that they can take the necessary steps to get help.
The acronym ACE (Ask, Care, Escort) summarizes the steps needed to take an active and valuable role in suicide prevention.
View the ACE card and accompanying brochure.
Order the VA ACE card and the supporting brochure online. It's free as is delivery.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention
Providing Support for Suicide Survivors: Understanding Pertinent Military/Veteran Issues
Providing Support for Suicide Survivors: Understanding Pertinent Military/Veteran Issues
by Nazanin H. Bahraini, Ph.D., Ryan E. Breshears, Ph.D., & Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D., ABPP (Rp)
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention
Suicide Pocket Card
Download the Suicide Pocket Card.
The Suicide Pocket Guide can be ordered through the local VA Suicide Prevention Coordinator (SPC). This link will take you to a page where the nearest SPC can be found.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Suicide

4th Annual Traumatic Brain Injury & Suicide Prevention Conference
The presentations from the conference can now be downloaded either as a PowerPoint presentation or a PDF.
We have just added Judge Crowder's presentation and PDF to the collection. We are making progress on the video and hope to have it up by the end of November.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, TBI
Annotated Bibliography - Suicide and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - Updated August 2011
This seven (7) page document provides quick and easy reference to the latest in research on Suicide and TBI. Download the bibliography.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, TBI
Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide - A Manual for Clinicians and Care Providers
There is a need for more resources that are specifically targeted toward TBI survivors who may be considering suicide. Based upon this need, researchers at the VA VISN 19 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC) produced this information and resources guide. The target audience is clinicians and care providers working with TBI survivors. Download the 31 page manual.
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, TBI
Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide Prevention
Easily reproducible brochure for veterans and the family/caregiver - Brochure
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, TBI
Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide in Veterans and Returning Military Personnel
Download the presentation that Lisa Brenner Ph.D. ABPP gave at the 2010 American Association of Suicidology. 
Keywords: Suicide Prevention, TBI

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Suicide Risk Assessment & Prevention

Traumatic Brain Injury and Suicide in Veterans and Returning Military Personnel
Download the presentation that Lisa Brenner Ph.D. ABPP gave at the 2010 American Association of Suicidology. 
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention
Teaching the public and health care professional about suicidality in veterans
Dr. Gutierrez, with the assistance of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Office of Suicide Prevention, has a presentation he gave on the issues surrounding veterans and suicide now available online. This will play as a movie.
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention
Recognizing Suicide Risk in Returning Combat Veterans
By Patricia A. Alexander, Ph.D. and Lisa A. Brenner, Ph.D ABPP (Rp). This paper suggest that assessing for feelings of burdensomeness, failed belongingness, and acquired ability may be important when evaluating suicide risk. Download the article from Military OneSource.
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention
The Combating Civilian: Suicide Risk Factors in Combat Veterans
A PodCast featuring Lisa Brenner Ph.D. ABPP (Rp). The International Program of Psycho-Social Health Research (IPP-SHR) recently interviewed Dr. Brenner regarding an article she co-authored A Qualitative Study of Potential Suicide Risk Factors in Returning Combat Veterans (Brenner, L., Gutierrez, P., Cornette, M., Betthauser, L., Bahraini, N., Staves, P. (2008) Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 30(3):211-225).
Hear the PodCast here.
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention
Assessment of Suicidality in the Elderly
04/01/2008 by William Marchand, MD at the University of Utah Geriatrics Grand Rounds a presentation on assessment and management of suicidal risk among the elderly. Streaming video of this lecture can be found on the University of Utah website.
Keywords: Assessment, Suicide Prevention

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Developed by the VAPTC - Clinical and Executive Committees

This presentation attempts to answer the question regarding ethics – what is right or what should be done in uncertain situations when values conflict.

View the PowerPoint slide show.


State of the Art
by Carol Falender, PhD

The is presentation has been newly taped in a studio with sound and video technicians; with much better video and audio. The original presentation was done at the VA Psychology Training Council Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, July 20, 2009

Watch the close-captioned video. 

Download the transcript as a PDF. 

To Enable Captions

Windows Media Player 10 & 11

To enable captions in the Windows Media Player 10 & 11 menu, you have make sure to set the following:

  1. Play > Captions and Subtitle > English
  2. Tools > Option > Security > Show local caption when present.
  3. If you do not see Play on the menu across the top of the Windows Media Player look for an icon in the lower left of the Player. Right click on this icon and then select Play as in step 1 above.

Windows Media Player 9

To enable captions in the Windows Media Player 9 menu:

  1. From the Windows Media player menu, Choose 'Play'
  2. Choose the 'Captions and Subtitles' menu
  3. Select 'On if Available'

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VISN 19 MIRECC Education Team

Nazanin H. Bahraini PhD
Title: Director of Education
Clinical/Research Psychologist
303.399.8020 ext. 5642
Lisa A. Brenner PhD ABPP
Title: Director
Director VA Advanced Fellowship Program in Mental Illness - Psychology
303.399.8020 ext. 2571
Beeta Y. Homaifar PhD
Title: Assistant Training Director Fellowship Program
Clinical/Research Psychologist
1055 Clermont Street
Denver, CO 80220
Joe Huggins MSW MSCIS
Title: Program Analyst
National MIRECC Web Coordinator
Contact information:
303.399.8020 ext. 3096
Bridget B. Matarazzo PsyD
Title: Clinical/Research Psychologist
303.399.8020 ext. 5617
Melissa McHarg BA
Title: Research Assistant
Contact information:
303.399.8020 ext. 5637
Gina M. Signoracci PhD
Title: VISN 19 MIRECC Psychology Fellow
Contact information:
303.399.8020 ext. 4653


Order the free SDVCS Clipboard

Order the free VA ACE Card

Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 Press 1

Click Now for Confidential Veterans Chat

Guide to Long Term Care: Explore Your Options

Make The Connection Website

PTSD Information