United States Department of Veterans Affairs
MIRECC Centers

VISN 19 Suicide and TBI Conferences (Past and Future)


Proceedings from the Annual Traumatic Brain Injury & Suicide Prevention Conference

Updated: 3 December 2012




Veterans Court
The Honorable Ronald G. Crowder
Download: PowerPoint | PDF
Stay tuned for video.
The Neurobiology of Aggression
Christopher Filley, MD
Download: PowerPoint | PDF
Stay tuned for video.
TBI, Aggression and Suicide
Hal Wortzel, MD
Download: PowerPoint | PDF
Stay tuned for video.
Risk Assessment for Violence
Eric Elbogen, PhD
Download: PowerPoint | PDF
Supporting document: Improving risk assessment of violence among military Veterans: An evidence-based approach for clinical decision-making
Stay tuned for video.
Returning Soldiers: Assessing Violence Risk in the Civilian Sector
Lynn M. Van Male, PhD
Download: PowerPoint | PDF
Stay tuned for video.

2010 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Suicide Prevention Conference

Unfortunately, the conference proceedings are no longer available.


2009 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Suicide Prevention Conference
Safety Planning for People with Brain Injuries

Friday, 11 September 2009
University of Colorado Denver - Anschutz Medical Campus

Conference Presentations via MS PowerPoint, Video

The presentations (with captions) are now available via streaming video:

Brief Interventions with Suicidal Individuals: Safety Planning and Beyond
Gregory K. Brown, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
MS PowerPoint 
Video, Part 1
Video, Part 2
Role Play Video
Reducing Suicide Risk in Persons with TBI: Implications for Therapy and Systems of Care
Martha Brownlee-Duffeck, Ph.D., ABPP-Rp
Psychology Leader & Training Director,
Post-doctoral Programs
Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital
Columbia, Missouri
MS PowerPoint 
Video, Part 1
Video, Part 2
Clinical Evaluations, Sequelae and Treatment after TBI
Kathy Helmick, MS, CNRN, CRNP
Interim Senior Executive Director, TBI
Director, TBI Clinical Standards of Care DCoE
Deputy Director, Clinical & Educational Affairs DVBIC
 MS PowerPoint Part 1
MS PowerPoint Part 2
MS PowerPoint Part 3
MS PowerPoint Part 4
MS PowerPoint Part 5
Video, Part 1
Video, Part 2
Traumatic Brain Injury 101
Lisa Brenner, PhD, ABPP
Director of Education
Director of Psychology Training
Departments of Psychiatry,
Neurology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Colorado School of Medicine
MS PowerPoint
Suicide 101
Peter M. Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
MS PowerPoint

Also, these handouts:

Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund

For questions please e-mail Maria.Devore@va.gov.

This event is partially funded through a grant from the Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Trust Fund.


2008 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) & Suicide Risk Assessment Conference

The conference presentations (I have zipped the files and split them when necessary to make the files smaller):

Sponsored in part by:



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