
Is Your Favorite Hotspot Secure?

What’s not to like about the convenience of free public Wi-Fi? It’s nice to be able to connect to the internet when you’re away from home. Unfortunately, these hotspots often aren’t secure. If you go online using public Wi-Fi — like at an airport or a coffee shop — you may unintentionally share personal information with strangers. Read more

Blog Topic: 

It’s Your Money

When you were in school, did you learn about managing your money? I remember learning how to write a check — strangely enough, in music class — but that was about it.

A (Potentially) Taxing Situation

Tax season is here. It’s time to get your files and forms in order. You may be well-versed in W-2s and 1099’s, but do you know that an identity thief can mess up your tax files or even get to your tax refund before you can file for it?

Blog Topic: 
Identity Theft
