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Audiology Service

Phone: (706) 787-7155
Fax: (706) 787-2666

The Audiology Service provides a continuum of patient care directed toward achieving the maximum communication competence in individuals with communication disorders. Audiology provides inpatient and outpatient care for patients of all ages. Services include diagnostic hearing testing, auditory evoked response testing (ABR), hearing aid fitting, hearing conservation, and universal newborn hearing testing (OAE). Retirees can participate in the Retiree At Cost Hearing Aid Program (RACHAP). Retirees are seen on a Space Available basis. There are no regular retiree appointments at this time. Retirees should be aware that they will need several appointments to complete the RACHAP program. Due to retiree appointments being Space Available, it is encouraged that retirees call the clinic regularly to check for any available appointments.