EHS Programs
Health Physics

PHCR-Europe has been in the business of radiation safety for many years, providing DOD and federal agencies support in radiation hazard analysis. Our health physics experts provide comprehensive radiological protection services and training to organizations/personnel to protect them and others from the hazards associated with radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices. We evaluate organizational radiation protection programs and operational procedures, conduct measurements, identify problems, and recommend appropriate solutions. As required, we can provide technical guidance and conduct detailed studies to solve specific problems. Specific programs/services include:

Health Physics Industrial Health Physics Program: This program addresses hazards associated with equipment containing radioactive material or producing ionizing radiation. We come on-site to investigate a known or suspected problem, employ specialized detection equipment and sampling, determine the scope of the problem, and provide recommendations for protecting personnel and reducing the hazard. This includes sampling air, water, soil, and hard surfaces for evaluation of potential hazards from radioactive material. In addition, our program includes evaluation of an organizations radiation protection program for compliance with regulatory requirements, and success in maintaining exposures to personnel as low as reasonably achievable. This also includes response to incidents or accidents involving radioactive commodities.

Medical Health Physics Program: This program involves the conduct of routine diagnostic x-ray surveys. Our evaluations ensure that the organizations that use ionizing radiation sources are in compliance with regulatory requirements and that military personnel are not being exposed to ionizing radiation unnecessarily. These evaluations involve regular site visits and a thorough evaluation of all aspects of radiation protection during peace and war-time missions. We also perform shielding evaluations for new or modified x-ray facilities and classification surveys for x-ray systems and facilities.

Real Property Radiological Decommissioning: Another important service that we provide is radiological decommissioning of real property (equipment, facilities, etc.). When planning to close facilities or installations, areas (or items of equipment) that have housed radioactive items must be assessed for residual radiation.


Service Requests
Need a service? Use the link below to send a service request directly to Environmental Health Sciences. We also welcome you to use our feedback form to comment on a service already provided.
External Links
Safe Drinking Water Act
American Water Works
USAPHC Entomological Sciences
European Mosquito Control
CDC Traveler's Health
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