July 21, 2011 Materials Release


On July 21, 2011 the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Materials. Below are scans of 118 documents that represent the variety of subjects and wealth of historical information included in this new release.

The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member & Office Files; White House Central Files, Staff Member & Office Files; and the National Security Council Files series.

The following abbreviations are used below to identify original collections of the scanned documents:

Mandatory and Systematic Review Documents


  1. Richard Helms to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Fighting in Laos, October 11, 1969, folder [3] Haig Chron. - September 19; Box 958; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  2. Report, Military Matters Related to Laos, May 28, 1969, folder [3] Midway Meeting with President Thieu – 6/8/1969; Box 71; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files

The President and the CIA

  1. Al Haig to Henry Kissinger Re: Presidential daily briefing, September 21, 1969, folder [1] Haig Chron. - Aug. 1969; Box 958; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  2. Henry A. Kissinger to President Nixon Re: CIA Report: "The World Situation in 1970", folder [2] Haig Chron - March 1-11, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 963; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

President Nixon and Prince Charles

  1. President Nixon to Henry Kissinger Re: Visit of Prince Charles, January 9, 1970, folder [4] Haig Chron. - March 12-20, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 963; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

SALT Negotiations

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to Ambassador Gerard Smith Re: Submarines, May 17, 1972, folder [1] Haig Chron. - May 1-20, 1972 [2 of 2]; Box 993; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  2. Henry A. Kissinger to Ambassador Gerard Smith Re: Negotiations, May 19, 1972, folder [5] Haig Chron. - May 1-20, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 992; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  3. Henry A. Kissinger to Ambassador Gerard Smith Re: Negotiations, May 20, 1972, folder [5] Haig Chron. - May 1-20, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 992; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  4. Phil Odeen to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Senator Brooke Letter on First Strike Policy, August 10, 1972, folder [2] Haig Chron. - Aug. 10-24, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 995; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

Soviet Submarine Base in Cuba, 1970

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between President Nixon, President Pompidou, Mr. Constantin and Major General V. A. Walters, November 12, 1970, folder [12] Memcon - The President and President Pompidou (Paris), 11-12-70 [1 of 2]; Box 1024; NSC Files, Presidential/HAK Memcons

Vietnam Peace Negotiations and the 1972 Election

  1. Al Haig to Henry Kissinger Re: Cease-fire and political settlement, June 28, 1972, folder [5] Haig Chron – June 1-30, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 993; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  2. Memorandum of Conversation between Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker, Henry A. Kissinger and Peter W. Rodman, August 31, 1972, folder [4] Haig Chron. - San Clemente Aug. 24 - Sept. 5, 1972; Box 995; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

US and Thailand

  1. Al Haig to John Holdridge Re: Thai Relations, February 9, 1970, folder [2] Haig Chron - Feb. 8-14, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 962; Haig Chron. Files

FBI, CIA and Domestic Intelligence

  1. Tom Latimer to General Haig Re: Russ Ash's Proposal for Overview of FBI Domestic Intelligence Activities, May 12, 1972, folder [1] Haig Chron. - May 1-20, 1972; Box 993; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

US Psychological Warfare/Disinformation in North Vietnam, 1972

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to President Nixon Re: Psychological Warfare Operations Against North Vietnam and North Vietnamese Forces in South Vietnam, May 18, 1972, folder [5] Haig Chron. - May 1-20, 1972 [1 of 2]; Box 992; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

Huston and the Bombing Halt Study

  1. Al Haig to Tom Huston Re: HARVAN Documents - 1968, March 12, 1970, folder [4] Haig Chron. - March 12-20, 1970 [2 of 2]; Box 963; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files
  2. Al Haig to Tom Huston Re: Request for Documents, March 16, 1970, folder [3] Haig Chron. - March 12-20, 1970 [1 of 2]; Box 963; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

Indo-Pakistani War, 1971

  1. AmConsul Dacca to Secretary of State Re: Villainy by Night, December 10, 1971, folder India -Pakistan [2 of 2]; Box 4; WHSF: SMOF: John Scali
  2. Henry A. Kissinger to President Nixon Re: Information Items, December 14, 1971, folder [1] South East Asia 12.14.71 - 12.16.71; Box 573; NSC Files, Indo-Pak War

Pakistan, China and the World

  1. Intelligence Memorandum Re: Pakistani-Chinese Communist Relations, July 14, 1969, folder [4] President's Trip Miscellaneous Planning; Box 461; NSC Files, President's Trip Files
  2. Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. to Henry A. Kissinger Re: President Bhutto's Allegation of Soviet Subversion, February 21, 1973, folder [1] Pakistan - President Zulfikar ali Bhutto; Box 760; NSC Files, Presidential Correspondence


  1. Harold H. Saunders to Henry Kissinger Re: Message to King Faisal re Yemen, August 20, 1970, folder [2] Saudi Arabia - Vol. II [1 of 3]; Box 629; NSC Files, Country Files - Middle East

Saudi Arabia

  1. Rose Mary Woods to Henry Kissinger Re: H. R. H. Emir Sultan, May 26, 1971, folder [2] Saudi Arabia - Vol. II [1 of 3]; Box 629; NSC Files, Country Files - Middle East
  2. AmEmbassy Jidda to AmEmbassy London Re: Secretary's Discussions in Riyadh, Section 1 of 2, April 27, 1971, folder [2] Saudi Arabia - Vol. II [2 of 3]; Box 629; NSC Files, Country Files -Middle East
  3. AmEmbassy Jidda to AmEmbassy London Re: Secretary's Discussions in Riyadh, Section 2 of 2, April 27, 1971, folder [2] Saudi Arabia - Vol. II [2 of 3]; Box 629; NSC Files, Country Files -Middle East

Middle East, 1969

  1. Al Haig to Henry A. Kissinger Re: Middle East, October 7, 1969, folder [4] Haig Chron. File - Oct. 1-15, 1969 [1 of 2]; Box 958; NSC Files, Haig Chron. Files

Nixon/Thieu Midway Conference, 1969

  1. Henry A. Kissinger to Secretary William Rogers Re: Third U.S. Marine Division, May 22, 1969, folder [4] Enterprise; Box 72; NSC Files, Vietnam Subject Files

US prisoners in China

  1. Memorandum of Conversation between Henry A. Kissinger and Chou En-Lai, 1971, folder 3; Box 846; NSC Files, For the President's Files [Winston Lord] - China Trip/Vietnam
  2. Americans Imprisoned in China, n.d., folder ; Box 847; NSC Files, For the President's File [Winston Lord] - China Trip/Vietnam
  3. American Prisoners in China, n.d., folder 1; Box 847; NSC Files, For the President's Files [Winston Lord], China Trip/Vietnam
  4. Briefing Paper, Americans in Prison in, and Missing in the Vicinity of, the PRC, January 1972, folder 2; Box 848; NSC Files, For the President's Files [Winston Lord], China Trip/Vietnam

US and Latin America

  1. CS/CIA to White House Situation Room Re: Ambassador Elbrick, September 4, 1969, folder [3] Brazil, Vol. I thru Aug. 70 [1 of 2]; Box 771; NSC Files, Country Files - Latin America
  2. Memorandum Re: El Salvador - Honduran Crisis, July 15, 1969, folder [2] Honduras-Salvador Dispute; Box 786; NSC Files, Country Files - Latin America
  3. Intelligence Memorandum Re: El Salvador-Honduras, July 15, 1969, folder [2] Honduras-Salvador Dispute; Box 786; NSC Files, Country Files - Latin America
  4. Intelligence Memorandum Re: El Salvador-Honduras, July 17, 1969, folder [2] Honduras-Salvador Dispute; Box 786; NSC Files, Country Files - Latin America
  5. Memorandum from Dell Bragan Re: Political Unrest in Bolivia, August 3, 1971, folder [1] Situation Room Cable Summary 8/1/71 – 9/30/71 Vol. VIII; Box 387; NSC Files, Subject Files

David Gergen Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files


  1. Dave Gergen to General Haig Re: Watergate "White Papers," November 21, 1973, folder '73 November Chron. - Dave Gergen; Box 5; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  2. Dave Gergen to General Haig Re: Summary of Presidential Activity, 1972-1973, May 13, 1974, folder Chron - May 1974; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  3. Dave Gergen to General Haig and Ron Ziegler Re: Organizing for Impeachment, May 7, 1974, folder Chron - May 1974; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  4. Dave Gergen to Dean Burch Re: The "Option Two" Arguments, July 26, 1974, folder Chron: July 1974; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  5. Dave Gergen to George Joulwan Re: Resignation Letter, August 8, 1974, folder Chron: August 1974 [Nixon Adm]; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  6. Dave Gergen to Ray Price Re: Resignation Speech, August 7, 1974, folder Chron: August 1974 [Nixon Adm]; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  7. Dave Gergen to Jerry Warren Re: Apology Letter to the "Enemies," April 5, 1974, folder DG [David Gergen] to WH Staff (Misc.) 1974; Box 11; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Staff Correspondence and Memoranda
  8. Dave Gergen to Len Garment and Ray Price Re: Egil Krogh, Jr., January 17, 1974, folder Garment, Leonard; Box 13; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Staff Correspondence and Memoranda
  9. Dave Gergen to General Haig Re: Buchanan, September 26, 1973, folder Haig, Alexander: [Alexander Haig, Jerry Jones, George Joulwan]; Box 13; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Staff Correspondence and Memoranda
  10. Dave Gergen to Jan Re: Woodward, July 23, 1973, folder Watergate Memos; Box 106; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, General
  11. Dave Gergen to Len Garment Re: Watergate Cauldron, May 8, 1973, folder Watergate Memos; Box 106; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, General
  12. Dave Gergen to Len Garment Re: Watergate, May 10, 1973, folder Watergate Memos; Box 106; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, General
  13. David Gergen to the President Re: Conversations with Bob Woodward on Watergate, April 28, 1973, folder Watergate Memos; Box 106; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, General
  14. David Gergen to Len Garment Re: Washington Post Story, May 5, 1973, folder Watergate Memos; Box 106; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, General
  15. Ben Stein to Dave Gergen Re: Gift Papers, November 28, 1973, folder VP Papers Gift; Box 117; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, Personal Finances
  16. Dave Gergen to Pat Buchanan Re: President Nixon's Reaction to First Draft of Finances White Paper, December 6, 1973, folder Finances Miscellaneous 74; Box 126; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Watergate Issues File, San Clemente/Key Biscayne
  17. Charles Colson to Ray Price, July 3, 1971, folder Pentagon Papers 1971 [CFOA 1313]; Box 158; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Subject File, Alphabetical Subject File

Choosing a Vice President

  1. VP Option Inserts, folder Vice President Options 10/73; Box 170; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Subject File, Alphabetical Subject File

Domestic Affairs

  1. Dave Gergen to General Haig Re: Health Insurance Message, February 6, 1974, folder February Chron. - Dave Gergen 1974; Box 6; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File
  2. Noel Koch to General Haig Re: Legal Services Signing Statement, July 19, 1974, folder Chron: July 1974; Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Chronological File

Nixon Administration on JFK/RFK Funerals

  1. Margaret Earl to Dave Gergen Re: Expenses for RFK and JFK Funeral and Burial, August 9, 1973, folder Writing & Research Staff File; Box 8; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Staff Correspondence and Memoranda

Civil Disorder

  1. Stephen Bull to David Gergen Re: Radio News Broadcast, August 3, 1973, folder Memos to/from [Stephen] Bull; Box 11; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Staff Correspondence and Memoranda
  2. Dave Gergen to General Haig Re: Demonstrations in Phoenix, May 2, 1974, folder Remarks: Phoenix Trip 5/74; Box 54; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Remarks


  1. Benjamin Stein to Dave Gergen Re: Thoughts, November 19, 1973, folder Writing Candidates: Stein, Benjamin 10/73; Box 21; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Administrative File, Personnel File
  2. Roland L. Elliott to Dave Gergen, folder Remarks: Andreotti Visit 4/17/1973 [CFOA 1132]; Box 50; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Remarks

1973 Florida Tech Commencement Speech

  1. Dave Gergen to Bill Timmons, et al. Re: Florida Tech Commencement Address, June 5, 1973, folder Florida Tech Speech 6/8 [CFOA 1128]; Box 36; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Speeches
  2. Ray Price to Dave Gergen Re: Florida Tech Speech, June 6, 1973, folder Florida Tech Speech 6/8 [CFOA 1128]; Box 36; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Speeches

Vietnam Settlement and Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize

  1. John Andrews to Dave Gergen, Re: Report to the Nation on Vietnam Settlement, January 22, 1973, folder Statements -- Viet Nam 1/23/73 [CFOA 1130]; Box 56; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Statements
  2. Speeches requested by Ken Clawson, October 18[, 1973], folder Statement: Nobel Peace Prize 10/73 [OA 13481]; Box 58; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Statements

Suggested Remarks for Walt Disney World Opening

  1. Suggested Remarks for Walt Disney World, October 20, 1971, folder Material Not Used [CFOA 1127]; Box 73; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Messages File, Presidential Messages

Nixon Administration Interest in Prominent Women

  1. Dave Gergen to Dave Parker Re: Prominent Women, May 3, 1972, folder Prominent Female File; Box 163; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Subject File, Alphabetical Subject File


  1. John C. Whitaker to the President, September 21, 1971, folder Thomas R. Shepard, Jr.; Box 170; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Subject File, Alphabetical Subject File

1972 Republican National Convention

  1. Dave Gergen to Ray Price and Dick Moore Re: Convention Notes, June 22, 1972, folder 1972 Republican Convention: General Memos [CFOA 1315]; Box 178; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Subject File, 1972 Campaign
  2. Report of the ConventioN TV Committee, folder 1972 Republican Convention: Public, etc. Script [CFOA 1315]; Box 179; WHCF: SMOF: David Gergen, Alphabetical Subject File, 1972 Campaign

William Timmons Documents

White House Central Files: Staff Member & Office Files

Bureau of Indian Affairs

  1. William E. Timmons to H. R. Haldeman Re: Bureau of Indian Affairs, October 8, 1971, folder H.R. Haldeman; Box 13; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, Subject Files, 1969-1972

Congressional Relations

  1. Charles B. Rangel to President Nixon Re: May 24 Luncheon, June 7, 1971, folder Rangel, Charles B-Reuss, Henry S (1 of 3); Box 163; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Correspondence, House of Representatives, 1971
  2. Tom C. Korologos to President Nixon Re: Energy/Scoop Jackson, December 19, 1973, folder Energy V (6 of 10); Box 35; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  3. Gerald R. Ford to William E. Timmons Re: Presidential Blacklist, October 4, 1973, folder Ford, Gerald R. (1 of 3); Box 90; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Inter-Office Memoranda, House of Representatives
  4. William E. Timmons to John Ehrlichman Re: Jack Woolley, July 10, 1970, folder William E. Timmons (4 of 5); Box 26; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  5. William E. Timmons to Chuck Colson Re: Jewish Leadership and Cambodia, May 11, 1970, folder Cambodia Situation (3 of 8); Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  6. William E. Timmons to H. R. Haldeman Re: Joint Committee on the Environment, December 18, 1970, folder Timmons Chron Nov-Dec 1970 (2 of 5); Box 292; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Chronological Files, 1970
  7. Dick Cook to Bill Timmons Re: Laos, February 9, 1971, folder Briefings (5 of 7); Box 5; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  8. William E. Timmons to President Nixon Re: May Day Demonstrations, April 27, 1971, folder President Richard Nixon 1971 (4 of 6); Box 301; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Chronological Files, 1971
  9. William E. Timmons to Ken BeLieu and Max Friedersdorf Re: "Origins of Vietnam War," August 12, 1971, folder Belieu, Kenneth E.; Box 5; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  10. Bill Timmons to John Ehrlichman Re: Rep. Jim Utt, July 19, 1969, folder Utt, James Rep; Box 98; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Inter-Office Memoranda, House of Representatives

Congressional Visits

  1. William E. Timmons to Ken BeLieu Re: Cambodia Fact Finding Mission, May 30, 1970, folder Cambodia Situation (2 of 8); Box 7; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  2. William E. Timmons to David Parker Re: Prison Trip, August 1, 1972, folder Brock, W.E. Senator; Box 99; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Inter-Office Memoranda, Senate

Diane Sawyer

  1. William E. Timmons to Marlow Cook Re: Premature Announcement of Federal Judgeship Nomination, November 19, 1971, folder Cannon, Howard W. - Cook, Marlow W.; Box 222; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Correspondence, Senate, 1971

George H. W. Bush

  1. George H. W. Bush to Bryce Harlow Re: San Clemente, September 2, 1969, folder Brown, Gary thru Bush (4 of 5); Box 114; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Correspondence, House of Representatives, 1969
  2. William E. Timmons to President Nixon Re: George Bush and Seabeds Convention, August 27, 1970, folder Presidential Memoranda: April-October 1970; (2 of 4); Box 290; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Chronological Files, 1970

George Wallace

  1. William E. Timmons to President Nixon Re: George Wallace, February 22, 1971, folder Timmons Chron Jan-Feb 1971 (1 of 7); Box 305; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Chronological Files, 1971

J. Edgar Hoover

  1. William E. Timmons to H. R. Haldeman Re: Support for J. Edgar Hoover, May 7, 1971, folder FBI; Box 12; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972

Jimmy Hoffa

  1. Bill Timmons to John Ehrlichman Re: Jimmy Hoffa, August 13, 1969, folder Ehrlichman 1969-1970 (3 of 3); Box 278; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Chronological Files, 1969

Judicial Appointments

  1. William E. Timmons to Clark Mollenhoff Re: Judge Carswell, February 13, 1970, folder Supreme Court Investigations (2 of 2); Box 23; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  2. Bryce Harlow to Bill Timmons Re: Justice Douglas, June 2, 1970, folder Supreme Court Investigations (1 of 2); Box 23; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972


  1. Tom C. Korologos to Bryce Harlow Re: Constitutional Amendment on Abortions, February 25, 1974, folder Legislative Status Report; Box 42; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  2. William E. Timmons to Ken BeLieu and Dick Cook Re: Desegregation Problems, August 21, 1970, folder Health Education and Welfare; Box 13; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  3. William E. Timmons to Clark MacGregor Re: Equal Rights for Women, September 22, 1971, folder MacGregor, Clark (1 of 5); Box 111; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Inter-Office Memoranda, White House Staff
  4. William E. Timmons to Geoff Shepard Re: Gun Control Legislation, September 4, 1973, folder Crime/Gun Control; Box 30; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  5. Vern Loen to Bill Timmons Re: Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), April 24, 1974, folder National Health Insurance; Box 45; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  6. William E. Timmons to President Nixon Re: National Emergency Energy Act, November 26, 1973, folder Energy V (2 of 10); Box 35; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  7. William E. Timmons to Chuck Colson Re: Proxmire-Mathias Amendment, June 9, 1971, folder Colson, Chuck; Box 8; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  8. First 2 Years - bills vetoed, n.d., folder Veto Strategy (1 of 3); Box 25; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1969-1972
  9. Dick Cook to Bill Timmons Re: Voting Rights Act, March 19, 1970, folder Voting Rights Act (1 of 3); Box 85; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Legislation Files

Leon Panetta

  1. Leon E. Panetta to Bryce Harlow Re: Congressional Relations, November 20, 1968, folder Panetta, Leon Edward; Box 336; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Personnel Files

Ross Perot

  1. William E. Timmons to Clark MacGregor Re: Ross Perot, July 6, 1971, folder Brown, Clarence J; Box 87; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Inter-Office Memoranda, House of Representatives

Vice President Agnew

  1. Vern Loen to William Timmons Re: Findley Resolution of inquiry regarding V.P. Agnew, October 9, 1973, folder VEEP (5 of 5); Box 49; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974


  1. William E. Timmons to Bryce N. Harlow, March 9, 1974, folder Impeachment-Judiciary Committee thru April 1974 (5 of 8); Box 38; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  2. William E. Timmons to General Alexander Haig Re: Impeachment, October 24, 1973, folder Impeachment-Judiciary Committee thru April 1974 (8 of 8); Box 40; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974
  3. Estimates of Watergate Cost Data, June 7, 1974, folder Impeachment/Judiciary Committee--May 1974 (8 of 14); Box 40; WHCF: SMOF: William Timmons, Subject Files, 1973-1974

Alphabetical Name File Documents

The Alphabetical Name Files were used for routine materials filed alphabetically by the name of the correspondent.

Shirley Temple Black

  1. Gordon H. Scherer to Peter M. Flanigan Re: Campaign Contribution, April 21, 1970, folder Black, Shirley Temple; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. Shirley Temple Black to Russell Peterson Re: Resignation, January 10, 1974, folder Black, Shirley Temple; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Shirley Temple Black to President Nixon Re: Request to Meet, May 5, 1969, folder Black, Shirley Temple; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

Billy Graham

  1. Billy Graham to President Nixon, n.d., folder Graham, Billy (Rev).; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

C. G. Rebozo

  1. Tod R. Hullin to NSC Secretariat Re: Proposal for Mercenary Air Forces, September 6, 1972, folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  2. J. Warren McClure to C. Douglas Cairns Re: C. G. Rebozo's Attempt to Buy a Miami TV Station, January 12, 1970, folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  3. Poem, My Home Is -- My Life Is You My Love, by Joseph Johnston Parker, n.d., folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  4. Stephen Bull to H. R. Haldeman and Dwight L. Chapin Re: Invitation to Fly Out to California, April 27, 1971, folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  5. Stephen Bull to H. R. Haldeman Re: Arrangements for Messrs. Abplanalp, Lewis and Rebozo Transportation, April 29, 1971, folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  6. Fred O. Dickinson, Jr. to C. G. Rebozo, Care the President, Re: $200,000 Deposit, n.d., folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files
  7. James W. Anderson to President Nixon Re: Controlling the Press, May 14, 1974, folder Rebozo, C. G.; WHCF: Alphabetical Name Files

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