The Destination is Satisfaction

“It took us eight hours to travel 40 miles, but no matter what, we were going to get those supplies to the people who needed them.”

Real satisfaction doesn't come from just getting things done. It comes from getting things done that matter. When a task is as important as getting food and medical supplies to the victims of a devastating earthquake, you don't even think about the difficulties or obstacles. You keep on pushing through until you meet your goal.

Working in a disaster zone is unlike anything you can imagine. Nothing works right. The roads - where there are any - are littered with debris and full of scared, lost, homeless people. But they know that you’re there to help them, and they are thankful.

There are lots of tears being shed. Most of them are tears of sorrow over lost loved ones, shattered lives, an already poor country struggling to survive. But there are also tears of joy and gratitude. I've seen them, and they mean more than any paycheck ever will.

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