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The National Map 2013 Users Conference and USGS CDI Workshop

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The National Map 2013 Users Conference and USGS Community for Data Integration (CDI) Workshop

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Theme Descriptions

     The following are descriptions of the proposed themes for The National Map Users Conference and the CDI Workshop.

     The agenda for both events will be based on accepted abstracts.

The National Map Users Conference Themes

  • Science applications of The National Map - Share applications of The National Map products and services in your research. Explore how Viewer services, data theme products and services facilitate science and research. Data-driven science with user data and The National Map.

  • National Elevation Dataset (NED) and 3-D Elevation Program (3DEP) Initiative - Current NED status and transition to 3DEP, issues and benefits associated with enhanced elevation data, inventory issues associated with the transition, integration of near-shore elevation and bathymetry, and other elevation-related issues. Benefits of 3DEP for water resources, geologic mapping, geologic hazards, and natural resources applications.

  • The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) at 20 - Past, Present, and Future - Share your applications of the National Hydrography dataset, learn about recent enhancements, and discuss the next 20 years of NHD.

  • National Hydrography (NHD), National Elevation Dataset (NED) and Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Integration - Approach, progress and future needs associated with integrating NHD, NED and WBD. Generation and conflation of hydrographic data from lidar and 3DEP data.

  • The National Map Products and Services in User Decision Making and Operations - Products and services accomplishments, applications, and future directions and other developments; US Topo future design issues and solutions; The National Map Viewer services and capabilities. Additional areas of interest include integration and use of user data with The National Map; user products with The National Map as the base map; new data created by integrating or fusing user data and The National Map data; and integration of geology with 3DEP and other The National Map data.

  • The National Map in Alaska - Challenges and solutions of mapping in Alaska especially associated with data sources, products and services, applications, and research for The National Map in Alaska. Use of Alaska ifsar and SPOT data. What makes Alaska different with respect to The National Map?

  • Geospatial Research - Long-term research needs associated with supporting communities of use; future requirements for information, digital cartographic processes and tools, and automated dataset integration; technology advances, Volunteer Geographic Information (VGI), and future requirements for products and services of The National Map; and development of models, uses, and derivative products from 3DEP lidar point cloud and elevation data.

  • Relations of The National Map to Other Datasets, Platforms and Technology Developments - Relations of The National Map to other datasets and platforms, including Google, Bing, Open Street Map, ESRI, USGS science initiatives, and others. Also includes existing or evolving technology developments affecting raster, vector, or metadata data acquisition; editing, maintenance, stewardship, analysis, mapping or other use; processing, management, and archiving.

  • The National Map Priority Communities of Use (COU) - COU sessions to share information and gather feedback, discuss how user's needs and issues are incorporated in The National Map investments and directions decisions, COU applications, mutual beneficial relations with users and partners, and user training for the following priority COUs:
    • Geologic Mapping
    • Geologic Hazards
    • Natural Resources Conservation
    • Water Resources

USGS Community for Data Integration Themes

  • Community for Data Integration - The Community for Data Integration (CDI) presentations of its activities, accomplishments, and interaction with USGS and external science and technology communities. Status reports by individual CDI working groups and teams on current and planned projects, products, and services.

  • Data Management - The nature of scientific data management, why it is important, and how the principles and practice of good data management ease data integration. What do scientists need to know or do to manage data effectively at each stage of the Scientific Data Life Cycle, from initial planning through data acquisition, processing, analysis, preservation, and sharing and publishing? Discuss tools that are available or needed to facilitate sound data management. Highlight available learning resources that describe and teach data management best practices.

  • Earth System Informatics - Technological aspects of the computational tools, services, and techniques underpinning Earth System Science (ESS) at the USGS. Highlight novel computer and sensor-based applications, web services, high performance computing, and semantic tools created or under development to support data and information discovery, acquisition, processing, visualization, analysis, preservation, publishing, or sharing. Introduce and discuss the Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, 'Open Science' movement, and 'Big Data', including their impact on how we conduct science and share our data. What are the benefits, costs, and risks of these initiatives and trends? What is the Semantic Web, how does it work, and what role does it play in ESS?

  • Mobile Science - The development and use of mobile technologies and platforms in USGS research programs, including current and planned applications that demonstrate innovative integration of data collection, integration, analysis, visualization, and other functions in the mobile environment. Potential for effective use of smart phone and other mobile technology-based devices to support large scale USGS data collection efforts, e.g., as components of national sensor or observational networks. Examples of mobile application development environments (e.g., programming languages, tools, and techniques). How privacy, security, or other challenges presented by the use of mobile devices, particularly by citizen volunteers or other partners, need to be addressed. Description of the USGS Mobile Framework and how it will help reduce or overcome some of the legal, policy, and technology barriers or constraints to developing mobile applications within the USGS.

  • Public Participation in USGS Scientific Research (PPSR) - Public Participation in Scientific Research (PPSR) -- also known as 'Citizen Science' -- and its role in USGS research. Discuss existing models of participation and which are best suited to USGS's research needs. How volunteers are currently supporting our science and how the role of volunteers can be expanded into additional areas of research. What are the organizational challenges associated with the effective use of citizen volunteers, including protection of privacy, security, liability, and retention; and the needs for training, accrediting, and managing volunteers to assure the quality and utility of their contributions? How smart phone, locational services, social media, and other technologies can be used to engage and enable volunteers in support of our data collection and research needs.

  • Science Successes, Challenges and Opportunities - Scientists' 'user stories' detailing the application of innovative tools, collaborations, or methods to improve data acquisition, processing, analysis, preservation, or publishing and sharing. Describe known or perceived technical, policy, or other challenges relating to data acquisition, use, and management that inhibit effective research and sharing. How CDI can help address current issues as well as emerging scientific needs or technological trends that are opening new directions or providing new means for USGS research.

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