177th Fighter Wing, New Jersey Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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Welcome to the 177th Fighter Wing Welcome to the 177th Fighter Wing

Welcome to the official World Wide Web site of the 177th Fighter Wing. This site is provided as a public service through the cooperative efforts of the 177th Fighter Wing Public Affairs and the New Jersey Air National Guard.
tab177th Fighter Wing Federal Mission 
"To Provide Combat Ready Citizen-Airmen, Aircraft and Equipment for Worldwide Deployment in Support of USAF Objectives."
tab177th Fighter Wing State Mission 
Support the citizens of New Jersey by protecting life and property, preserving the peace, order, and public safety when called upon by the Governor.
Our State Mission is supported by the following 177th Fighter Wing Core Competencies:
- Protection of Life and Property
- Emergency Management Expertise
- On-scene and Incident Command and Control
- Explosive Ordnance Disposal Capability
- Medical Assistance
- Secure/Non-Secure Communications Capability 
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Training and Response
- Transportation Support
tab177th Fighter Wing Motto 
"Community Based, Global Impact."
tab177 Fighter Wing Community Mission 
Participate in programs that add value to our communities.
Our Community Role is supported by the following 177th Fighter Wing Core Competencies and Responsibilities:
- Environmental Stewardship
- Positive Role Model Support
- Patriotic Encouragement
- Valued-Added Event Sponsorship and Participation
- Opportunity and Educational Gateway
tabOur Vision 
"From the Home Front to the Frontlines, Community based, highly qualified Airmen delivering Global impact as full partners in the Total Force."
tabOur Values 
First and Foremost
Above Self, No Personal Agendas.
The force that Guarantees Success.
Demonstrated through Consistency, Openness and fairness.

 Inside the 177th FW

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