Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
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Carbon Management Systems



The Water, Energy and Carbon Sequestration Model (WECSsim): A Collaborative Systems Model

The Water, Energy and Carbon Sequestration Model (WECSsim) is an integrated assessment software tool developed to calculate the potential performance, location and cost characteristics with a national CO2 storage program utilizing geologic saline formations. Users can run power-plant specific scenarios to capture and store CO2 emissions while incorporating the additional value of extracting, treating and utilizing the saline waters.

Journal Publications

Conference Proceedings, Papers

Project Deliverables, Reports


  • Roach, J.D., Heath, J.E., McKenna, S.A., Dewers, T.A., Gutierrez, K.A. and P.H. Kobos, “The Impact of Geologic Heterogeneity on CO2 Injection with Simultaneous Brine Extraction and Economic Uncertainty for Large-Scale CO2 Sequestration,” American Geophysical Union Meeting, SAND2011-9083C, San Francisco, CA, December 5 – 9, 2011.
  • Kobos, P.H., Roach, J.D., Heath, J.E., Dewers, T.A., McKenna, S.A., Klise, G.T., Krumhansl, J.L., Borns, D.J., Gutierrez, K.A. and A. McNemar, “Economic Uncertainty in Subsurface CO2 Storage: Geological Injection Limits and Consequences for Carbon Management Costs,” 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, SAND2011-7325C, Washington, D.C., October 9 – 12, 2011.
  • Kobos, P.H., Roach, J.D., Klise, G.T., Krumhansl, J.L., Heath, J.E., Dewers, T.A., Borns, D.J., McNemar, A. and M.A. Cappelle, “Expanding the Potential for Saline Formations: Modeling Carbon Dioxide Storage, Water Extraction and Treatment for Power Plant Cooling.” 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, DOE/NETL, SAND2011-2756C, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2 − 5, 2011.
  • Kobos, P.H., Heath, J.E., Dewers, T., Roach, J.D. and G.T. Klise, “Economics, Modeling and CO2 Management: Developing Policy Insight with Data Uncertainty.” Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, SAND2011-1718C, Long Beach, CA, March 21, 2011.
  • Kobos, P.H., Roach, J.D., Klise, G.T., Krumhansl, J.L., Dewers, T.A., Heath, J.E., Dwyer, B, Borns, D.J., McNemar, A. “Storing Carbon Dioxide in Saline Formations: Analyzing Extracted Water Treatment and Use for Power Plant Cooling.” 29th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, SAND2010-6821C, Calgary, Canada, October 14 – 16, 2010.
  • Kobos, P.H., Roach, J.D., Klise, G.T., Krumhansl, J.L., Dewers, T.A., Dwyer, B.P., Heath, J.E., Borns, D.J. and A. McNemar, “Saline Formations, Carbon Dioxide Storage, and Extracted Water Treatment: A National Assessment Tool.” 9th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, DOE/NETL, SAND2010-2899C, Pittsburgh, PA, May 10 − 13, 2010.
  • Kobos, P.H., Krumhansl, J.L., Dewers, T.A., Heath, J.E., Cappelle, M.A., Borns, D.J., Klise, G.T., Dwyer, B.P. and A. McNemar, “Combining Power Plant Water Needs and Carbon Storage using Saline Formation: An Assessment Tool.” 8th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, DOE/NETL, SAND2009-2507C, Pittsburgh, PA, May 4 − 7, 2009.
  • Aragon, M., Kobos, P.H., Krumhansl, J., Borns, D.J., Hightower, M. M. and A. McNemar, “Evaluating Saline Aquifers for Combined Carbon Sequestration and Power Plant Cooling Water Needs.” 7th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, SAND2008-2944C May 5 – 8, 2008.


  • Roach, J.D., Kobos, P.H., Heath, J.E., Klise, G.T., Dewers, T.A., McKenna, S.A., Gutierrez, K.A., Borns, D.J., and McNemar, A., “Building a National Carbon Dioxide Storage Supply Curve: A Systems Approach Incorporating Geologic Uncertainty.” 11th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration, DOE/NETL, SAND2012-3380C, Pittsburgh, PA, May 1 − 3, 2012.
  • Heath, J.E., Dewers, T.A., McKenna, S.A., Roach, J.D. and P.H. Kobos, “Efficient Probabilistic Estimation of Well Injectivity for CO2 Storage.” 10th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture and Sequestration, DOE/NETL, Poster SAND2011-2977C, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2 − 5, 2011.
  • Roach, J.D., Kobos, P., Klise, G.T., Krumhansl, J.L. and A. McNemar, “New Demands, New Supplies: A National Look at the Water Balance of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration,” American Geophysical Union, Poster SAND2010-8624C, San Francisco, CA, December 13 – 16, 2010.

Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships

DOE has created a network of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships (RCSPs) to help develop the technology, infrastructure, and regulations to implement large-scale CO2 sequestration in different regions and geologic formations within the Nation.

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