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NETL Regional University Alliance (NETL-RUA)
About NETL-RUA – Integrated Program Team

The NETL-RUA Program is operated by an integrated program team of respected researchers and administrators from all of the partner organizations. As the sponsoring organization, NETL’s Office of Research and Development plans and manages the program’s core R&D efforts.

Executive Committee
The NETL-RUA Executive Committee engages in strategic planning and drives the operational elements of the Alliance. This committee ensures that NETL-RUA has sufficient resources to successfully execute its major functions and goals. The committee provides an integrated structure for the Alliance, and, as such, collaboratively carries out its day-to-day operation and program implementation.

Research Programs Committee
The Research Programs Committee plans, reviews, and recommends selections of research projects and teams to NETL’s Office of Research and Development. This committee handles tactical matters related to the implementation of an integrated R&D program. Several Focus Area teams comprise this committee, each of which includes an NETL Focus Area Lead, Consortium Area Lead, and site-support contractor Focus Area Manager.

Educational Programs Committee
The Educational Programs Committee plans, reviews, and recommends educational projects to the NETL Office of Research and Development. This committee is responsible for developing and implementing an educational program with the goal of developing future generations of researchers and entrepreneurs. The committee seeks opportunities to encourage students to pursue science, engineering and math careers and to further their education beyond the undergraduate degree. It also will capitalize on opportunities where skills and knowledge in business development and law related to creating new enterprises can be learned. The committee is also pursuing a joint appointment program, which will provide options for faculty to spend time at NETL and for NETL researchers to bring their applied research expertise to an academic setting.

Technology Transfer & Commercialization Committee
This committee facilitates the movement of research ideas and innovative technologies from the lab to the marketplace. The team engages private-sector collaborations to match energy sector needs with innovative solutions emerging from NETL-RUA. By bridging this gap, the committee fosters regional economic development via the spin-off of commercial enterprises. Leading this committee is NETL’s Technology Transfer Analyst, who works closely with representatives from each of the university technology transfer offices.

Business Development Committee
The Business Development Committee is responsible for expanding the Alliance’s research focus and identifying new business prospects to leverage with Office of Fossil Energy’s funding. This committee serves as a liaison to evaluate new opportunities for NETL-RUA and works to develop a joint business development process. The ultimate goal of this committee is to drive NETL-RUA to target, bid, and win new opportunities for innovative research, development, and deployment. The NETL New Business Development Manager leads this team with the support of representatives from university offices of sponsored programs and other university offices. The Business Development Committee coordinates closely  with the Research Programs Committee to ensure that NETL-RUA’s core competencies are targeted in the development of new business.

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is responsible for disseminating NETL-RUA’s results, establishing stakeholder partnerships, and developing strategic outreach opportunities. Dynamic communication will not only enhance NETL-RUA’s visibility both regionally and nationally, it will also garner additional support for the Alliance’s mission.