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Global Collaborations
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Global Collaborations

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The Global Collaborations Element includes ongoing partnerships with numerous global organizations to leverage U.S. expertise with other large-scale projects. These include participation in or relationships with a number of international demonstration projects, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF), the U.S. China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), and the North American Carbon Storage Atlas Partnership (NACAP). Supporting these projects directly benefits U.S. efforts to develop technologies and tools to meet the strategic goals of the Carbon Storage Program. In addition, these collaborations also provide a means to encourage transfer of lessons learned and knowledge sharing between industry and academia to facilitate the adoption of these technologies in the field and to train personnel in the United States for future careers in the CCS industry throughout the world.

DOE is partnering with several international organizations operating throughout the world to advance research in carbon storage. Examples of DOE-supported international CCS projects include the Weyburn-Midale project in Canada, Sleipner project in the North Sea, and the Otway Basin project in Australia. The benefits of participating in these projects range from opportunities to field test innovative technologies at commercial and large-scale CCS operations around the world to representing U.S. expertise on multinational CCS investigative research and development teams.


The CSLF, established in part by DOE, is a voluntary climate initiative of developed and developing nations that account for approximately 75 percent of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Members engage in cooperative technology development aimed to facilitate the advancement of cost-effective carbon storage technologies for the separation and capture of CO2; transportation of CO2; and long-term, safe storage of CO2. The purpose of the CSLF is to make these technologies available internationally and to identify and address wider issues relating to CCS, such as regulatory and policy options.

Carbon Capture and Storage Database

In November 2009, NETL launched its Carbon Capture and Storage Database, which includes active, proposed, canceled, and terminated CCS projects worldwide. This database provides the public with information regarding efforts by various industries, public groups, and governments towards development and eventual deployment of CCS technology. It lists technologies being developed for CO2 capture, testing sites for CO2 storage, project cost estimations, and anticipated dates of project completion. The database uses Google Earth to illustrate the location of projects and provide a link to further information. Project details are obtained from publically available information. This active database will be updated as information regarding these or new projects is released to the public.


In order to initiate collaboration on energy-related issues amongst the three countries in North America, the North American Energy Working Group (NAEWG) was established in 2001 by the Secretary of Energy of the United States, the Secretary of Energy of Mexico, and the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources. The goals of the NAEWG are to foster communication and cooperation among the governments and energy sectors of the three countries on energy-related matters of common interest, and to enhance North American energy trade and interconnections consistent with the goal of sustainable development. This trilateral process fully respects the domestic policies, divisions of jurisdictional authority, and existing obligations of each country. As part of this trilateral effort, a joint CO2 mapping initiative between the three countries called the North American Carbon Storage Atlas Partnership (NACAP) was started. Results of this initiative were published in the North American Carbon Storage Atlas (NACSA).

U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC)

In November 2009, President Barack Obama and President Hu Jintao announced the establishment of U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center (CERC), which facilitates joint research and development on clean energy technology through collaboration of scientists and engineers from the United States and China. This initiative is funded in equally by the United States and China, with broad participation from universities, research institutions, and industry. The advanced coal technology, including a CCS consortium, addresses technology and practices for clean coal utilization and carbon capture, utilization, and storage.

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