General Info & FEMA Courses

There are several training requirements for USACE deployment, including a mixture of USACE and Department of Homeland Security awareness training.

Every PRT member MUST complete the USACE Civil Level One course and the following two FEMA courses: IS 100.FWa and IS 700.a. Additional FEMA courses are necessary for certain positions within each PRT, including the Mission Manager and Action Officer. Please refer to the Required Courses per PRT position table to see exactly which courses you need to take. You must also take the Level Two Course that corresponds to your team.

A course completion certificate will be issued by FEMA for IS 100.FWa, IS 200.b, IS 700.a, and IS 800.b. These must be forwarded to the RSC to complete the certification process and get entered into ENGLink. Please send copies of certificates to to ensure that you receive credit for the training courses you have successfully completed.

USACE Civil Level One and Civil Level Two certificates are tracked by RSC personnel, so you DO NOT have to email, mail, or fax your certificate for your PDS to be updated in ENGLink. However, each PDS is manually updated by a member of the RSC, so please wait at least 48 hours after you have passed the assessment and received a certificate for your PDS to reflect your credit for the course.

If you have an issue or question about training certificates, please contact the Readiness Support Center at Please DO NOT contact the ENGLink Help Desk for USACE and FEMA training questions.

Direct Links to FEMA Courses:
• IS 100.FWa - Intro to Incident Command System (ICS 100) for Federal Workers
 IS 200.b - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
• IS 700.a - NIMS, An Introduction
• IS 800.b - National Response Framework, An Introduction