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Program Reporting and Record Keeping Information

The following reporting information includes policy guidance, questions and answers, training tutorials, timelines and links to reporting formats (paperwork packages under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)) for the Workforce Investment Act, Wagner-Peyser, Jobs for Veterans Act, National Farmworker Jobs Program, Trade Adjustment Assistance and the PY 2008 High Growth And Community-Based Job Training Grants.

WIASRD Tutorial

More Reporting Tutorials/Powerpoints

October 17, 2012
Due to unforeseen circumstances in implementing the Enterprise Data Reporting and Validation System (E-DRVS) for WIA in Program Year (PY) 2012, the current process of submitting the WIASRD file and 9090 quarterly reports should be followed for the first and second quarters of PY 2012. Beginning with the third quarter submission (due May 15th, 2013), states should submit the WIASRD file through E-DRVS.

Additionally, states will submit the first quarter Wagner-Peyser/Labor Exchange file (due December 17th) into E-DRVS.

Formal guidance, including a user's guide to E-DRVS will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.


Reporting TEGLs and TENs

Literacy Numeracy NRS Approved Tests and Credential/Certificate

  • Q. Are there certain tests (used to assess literacy and numeracy gains in the WIA Youth Program) determined suitable for use in the National Reporting System that are expiring?


  • Credential Measure: Work Readiness Certificates:

    Q1. ETA has recently been asked to clarify whether or not there has been a change in policy related to work readiness certificates counting under the credential measure. For reporting purposes, how should the workforce system account for work readiness certifications?

    Q2. Does a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certificate or a Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certificate count towards the Attainment of a Degree or Certificate WIA Performance measure?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA):

  • September, 2011 Questions:

    Q1. What are the ARRA monthly reporting requirements after June 30, 2011?

    Q2. What are the requirements for reporting ARRA funded National Emergency Grants (NEGs)?

    Q3. What are the reporting requirements for TANF-funded summer employment?


 Timeline for Reporting


WIA Reporting

March 16, 2009
"WISPR (Workforce Investment Streamlined Performance Reporting) System is Suspended for PY 2009." WISPR implementation has been suspended for Program Year (PY) 2009 because of the challenge posed by the significant role the workforce investment system will play in the President's economic recovery plan. ETA's top priority will be working with our partners and stakeholders to meet the information and reporting needs associated with implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

 Workforce Investment Board and National Emergency Act Codes

  • Workforce Investment Boards (WIB) Codes, 2000-2011




Workforce Investment Act
(OMB 1205-0420)

Wagner - Peyser Act
Labor Exchange (OMB 1205-0240)

National Farmworker Jobs Program
(OMB 1205-0425)







ETA - October 1, 2011

Trade Adjustment Assistance
(OMB 1205-0392)

Indian & Native Americans (OMB 1205-0422)

High Growth and Community-Based Job Training Grants (OMB 1205-0465)




American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Reporting May 21, 2009 OMB 1205-0474

 ARRA High Growth and Emerging Industries (HGEI) Quarterly Progress Reporting, 2010 OMB 1205-0478