Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Complementary Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements

Our beam line has an ongoing collaboration with the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory. If you have an approved NOMAD proposal, we will collect complementary x-ray total scattering data at beam line 11-ID-B.

Rules and Guidelines

Samples will be measured only at room temperature in ambient conditions.
  • We will measure only the samples that are directly related to your NOMAD proposal.
  • Samples previously measured with neutrons will not be accepted, even if released by SNS or your local radiation protection officer.
  • 11-ID-B is dedicated to collection of high-quality PDF. It is not a high-resolution x-ray diffraction instrument.
  • Samples have to be shipped to the NOMAD beam line, not to APS.
  • Samples have to arrive no later then 2 weeks before APS beam time.
  • Actual dates of the experiment will be announced to users via e-mail several months before the experiment.
  • Only powder samples can be measured, so grind your single crystal well.
  • We will pack your powder samples into kapton capillaries; however, you are welcome to do it yourself. Here is how: 
Loading Samples
Sample Changer

Shipping your samples for x-ray measurements

  • You MUST send MSDS forms for your samples to Mikhail Feygenson ( If no MSDS forms are available, provide the forms for each separate element in your sample. Also, describe any potential hazard associated with your sample.
  • When shipping your samples, make sure you include a list of the samples, their chemical composition, density, and the IPTS number of your NOMAD proposal.
  • Avoid using very long names—remember we will have to mark 2 mm thin capillaries with it.
  • The samples must be shipped to:

Attention: X-Ray PDF samples To:

Neutron Sciences User Sample IPTS # XXXX, Beam line 1B
Oak Ridge National Laboratory/SNS Site
Chestnut Ridge, Bldg 8920
Oak Ridge, TN 37830