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Oil and Natural Gas Supply

Oil and natural gas are the lifeblood of our economy, accounting for more than 60 percent of the energy consumed in the United States. To meet projected
demand, our Nation has a vital interest in ensuring that competitively-priced domestic natural gas and oil remain part of the U.S. energy portfolio for decades to come.


Methane Hydrates Climate Change Research Overview
A desire to fully understand all the implications of natural gas hydrates has driven the U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory to work with other federal agencies and academia to investigate gas hydrate’s role in the global carbon cycle, how Earth’s vast stores of gas hydrate might respond to a warming climate, and what impacts large-scale gas hydrate dissociation could have on the world’s environment. An overview of this research was recently published in ECO (Environment Coastal & Offshore) Magazine.   Subscribe to ECO Magazine.

Research Projects Addressing Technical Challenges to Environmentally Acceptable Shale Gas Development Selected by DOE Fifteen research projects aimed at addressing the technical challenges of producing natural gas from shales and tight sands, while simultaneously reducing environmental footprints and risks, have been selected to receive a total of $28 million in funding from the DOE's Office of Fossil Energy. The research contracts will be administered by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, under NETL management.

New Wastewater Treatment Facilities To Open With DOE-Tested Technology Two new plants for treating shale-gas wastewater are set to open this month in western Pennsylvania. Using a unique, patented water desalination process developed with support from NETL, the plants actually exceed the state's discharge water quality standards.

The Energy Department Announces the Selection of 14 New Methane Hydrate Research Projects The projects will research the nature and occurrence of deepwater and Arctic gas hydrates and its potential for dramatically expanding U.S. energy supplies. The projects build on the completion of a successful, unprecedented test earlier this year that was able to safely extract a steady flow of natural gas from methane hydrates on the North Slope of Alaska.

Favorable Supplies, Costs, Environmental Profile for Natural Gas Revealed in New Department of Energy Study The nation’s large resource base of natural gas can be used for cost-effective power generation, with environmental burdens coming primarily from fuel combustion, not resource extraction, according to a new Department of Energy (DOE) study.

E&P Focus Newsletter - A quarterly publication highlighting the latest developments in R&D being carried out by NETL

Fire In The Ice - Methane Hydrate R&D Program Newsletter

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