What do I do if I catch a tagged shark?

There are three types of tags currently in use by the Cooperative Shark Tagging Program (CSTP). The most common tag is a dart tag, composed of a stainless steel dart head, monofilament line, and a plexiglas capsule containing a vinyl plastic legend with return instructions. These dart tags, in use since 1965, are implanted in the back musculature near the base of the first dorsal fin. More recently, Hallprint tags and fin tags have been used on a limited basis on small sharks in nursery areas.

When you catch a shark with a tag in it, we ask that you record the following information as accurately and completely as possible:

There are several ways you can report this information to us - please do one of the following:

After receipt of the recapture information, you will receive a report on the original release and a hat to thank you for your participation.

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(File Modified Sep. 13 2011)