
Types of Agreements

  1. Non-Proprietary – appropriate when 1) all tasks will be directed toward non-proprietary research that advances the state of the art in the user’s area of interest, rather than toward producing a commercial end result (e.g., a marketable product); 2) the user intends to publish the research results in the open scientific literature; and 3) the user does not require a proprietary level of protection for any of the output. The user may use proprietary data or software in the performance of the project, as long as all the project output is non-proprietary.
  2. Proprietary – requires full cost recovery because the user does not want the results disseminated to the public. A proprietary agreement is also used when full-cost recovery is required, regardless of dissemination of results.
  3. Appendix A - work at a particular facility for a particular project is accomplished by execution of an Appendix A which references the “master” agreement, delineates the scope of work, period of performance and costs, if any.
    • Project-Specific Appendix A – executed when costs are involved. Advance payment is required prior to initiation of work.
    • Facility-Specific Appendix A – authorizes the user institution’s work at a particular ORNL facility. Appendix A is part of the “master” agreement and delineates the general purpose, term, and special provisions, if any. Facility access is controlled through proposal review and approval, scheduling, and badging.

    Appendix A Proprietary
    Appendix A with Incremental Costs
    Appendix A BES (HFIR, SNS, CNMS, ShaRE, CSMB)
    Appendix A Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility
    Appendix A High Temperature Materials Laboratory
    Appendix A National Center for Computational Sciences