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Office of Inspector General
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Audits, Inspections, and Investigations

What is an audit?

The concept of accountability for public resources is key in our nation’s governing process and a critical element for a healthy democracy. An audit is a structured, in-depth evaluation that helps to inform government officials, legislators and the public whether government services are being provided efficiently, effectively, economically, and in compliance with laws and regulations. Audits also evaluate whether government programs are achieving their objectives and desired outcomes, and at what cost.

Government managers are accountable to legislative bodies and the public for their activities and related results. Government auditing is a key element in fulfilling the government’s duty to be accountable to the people. Auditing allows those parties and other stakeholders to have confidence in the reported information on the results of programs or operations, as well as in the related systems of internal control. The overriding objective of any audit is to lead to improved government management, decision-making, oversight and accountability. Audits are conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards issued by The Comptroller General of the United States.

What is an inspection?

The NRO OIG uses an inspection as a quick turnaround (less than 90 working days), focused, and objective evaluation of a unit’s policies, programs, and activities for the purposes of providing information to managers for decision-making and for making recommendations for improvement. Inspections are conducted in accordance with the Quality Standards for Inspections issued by the President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency.

Inspections are divided into two categories; unit inspections and joint inspections. Unit inspections are conducted on both mission and mission support units. Mission units are defined as components that perform the core missions of the NRO such as launch and satellite operation activities. Mission support units are defined as components that lend assistance and support to the units that perform the core missions of the NRO. Joint inspections are cyclical unit inspections of the operating field locations, performed in conjunction with other agency oversight units.

What is an investigation?

An investigation is an inquiry into potential violations of federal criminal law or significant non-criminal complaints or allegations of fraud, corruption or wrong-doing on the part of NRO personnel or contractors. The OIG may receive complaints via the IG Hotlink, walk-ins, or as referrals from law enforcement agencies, NRO offices, and contractors. The investigation staff seeks to maintain an active partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, the Department of Justice, the Defense Contract Audit Agency, and the Ethics and Compliance Officers of NRO Contractors.

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