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  • Professionals working at the World Cup to be trained in Brasília.

    Professionals are trained for the World Cup

    By early 2013, public security enforcement agents in FIFA World Cup host states, Federal Police and Federal Highway Police officers, as well as representatives of other security agencies, will take part in a series of training sessions on security for major events, given by US specialists.

  • Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta at the Escola Superior de Guerra (Superior War College) in Rio de Janeiro, April 25, 2012. (Photo: U.S. Consulate Rio de Janeiro)

    Secretary of Defense speaks at ESG in Rio de Janeiro

    On April 25, in Rio de Janeiro, Panetta delivered a speech at the Brazilian War College (Escola Superior de Guerra), in which he discussed U.S. Brazil defense cooperation.

  • Visit of Secretary Hillary Clinton to Brasilia, Brazil (Image: US Embassy Brasilia)

    Secretary Clinton Visits Brasilia

    The Secretary, on April 16, led the U.S. delegation for the third U.S.-Brazil Global Partnership Dialogue. On April 17,she provided opening remarks with Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at the First Annual High-Level Meeting of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

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  • Secretary Clinton speaks to the U.S.-Brazil Partnership for the 21st Century.

    Brazil-U.S.: Partnership for the 21st Century

    Secretary Clinton (Apr. 9): “The policies we embrace and the investments that we make will shape our shared future, and we are developing strong habits of partnership and cooperation.”

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