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Mosaic Vaccine Designer

Purpose: The Mosaic Vaccine Designer will generate candidate vaccine protein cocktails that optimize the coverage, by a small set of mosaic proteins that could be included in a vaccine cocktail, of potential T-cell epitopes in a large diverse set of proteins.

The Mosaic Explanation page provides additional information to get you started. Please read it before using this tool.

Usage: Paste your protein sequences in the box, or upload a file containing sequences. Input sequences do not need to be aligned. When your job is completed, a link to your results will be sent to the e-mail address you provide.
The default maximum runtime is 5 hours. This can be increased up to 100 hours, to get results that are more nearly optimal (see Advanced options). Please note that the rate of improvement slows over time, so extremely long run times are unlikely to produce large improvements (see examples).

Paste set of protein sequences
Sample Input
Or upload protein sequence file

Function Create mosaic sequence cocktail
Pick the best natural sequences
See the coverage distribution of natural sequences
Cocktail Size (1~10)
Epitope Length (8~12)
Rare Threshold Best results may require value >1. See Explanation.
Paste fixed sequences
Or upload fixed sequence file

Download stand-alone Mosaic Vaccine Designer

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last modified: Wed Jun 23 12:11 2010

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