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Social Media Roundup/Geotagging Safety

by on Nov 23, 2010





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http://www.psnews.com.au 651
http://message.snopes.com 619
http://www.patriotslist.com 468
http://qld.psnews.com.au 339
http://vic.psnews.com.au 258
http://egovau.blogspot.com.au 187
http://nsw.psnews.com.au 178
http://sa.psnews.com.au 153
http://wa.psnews.com.au 97
http://paper.li 67
http://egovau.blogspot.com 43
http://hbahstech.blogspot.com 35
http://www.scoop.it 31
http://cybersafetynet.wordpress.com 22
http://www.opsocial.ca 20
http://static.slidesharecdn.com 16
http://govinthelab.com 13
http://geotaggingandcellphones.wikispaces.com 11
http://www.cfsmg.com 6
http://www.egovau.blogspot.com.au 4
http://feeds2.feedburner.com 4
http://egovau.blogspot.fr 3 3
http://egovau.blogspot.com.es 3
http://egovau.blogspot.co.uk 3
http://egovau.blogspot.in 3 3
http://egovau.blogspot.co.nz 2 2
http://egovau.blogspot.ie 1
http://egovau.blogspot.ca 1
http://feeds.feedburner.com 1 1
http://clusterr.com 1
http://twitter.com 1
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com 1 1
http://feedproxy.google.com 1
http://egovau.blogspot.cz 1



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  • eriksandypants Erik Rinderle-Sandoval Good reminder of that ol' GPS in your pocket. You're always being tracked. 1 year ago
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  • StevePickering Steve Pickering, Internet Professional at StevePickering.com Good discussion of maintaining awareness regarding geotagging and location based social networks. 1 year ago
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  • EverClassify EverClassify Although a privacy issue there is a bright side. This new tracking technology has become very valuable to law enforcement. It turns out criminals take pictures of things too.

    1 year ago
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  • EverClassify EverClassify Although a privacy issue there is a bright side. This new tracking technology has become very valuable to law enforcement. It turns out criminals take pictures of things too. 1 year ago
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  • duckarmv duckarmv Excellent - need more of this on line here at IOSS 1 year ago
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  • Mileteq Mileteq Geotags can be removed from pics with metadata erasers like the free BatchPurifier LITE. 2 years ago
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  • jankulnis Jan Kulnis This will be great to share with FRG's 2 years ago
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  • harishpillay Harish Pillay, Open Source Architect/Technologist at Red Hat Good stuff. And provided in a non-alarming, professional manner! 2 years ago
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  • COMNECC Navy Expeditionary Combat Command at Navy Expeditionary Combat Command Excellent presentation. Thanks for posting. 2 years ago
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  • rem091 Ralph Mercer, Social Web advocate for Military at ralphmercer.ca Excellent presentation, with the use of SM must come the required digital literacy training to support it. 2 years ago
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Social Media Roundup/Geotagging Safety Social Media Roundup/Geotagging Safety Presentation Transcript