John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Powell Center Facilities

Fort Collins Science Center FacilityThe Powell Center is housed at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center (FORT) in Fort Collins, Colorado.  The FORT houses over 150 research scientists and support staff who address interdisciplinary science and management topics. Powell Center activities occur in collaborative workrooms that can accommodate between 20 and 30 participants.  The rooms have WebEx capability, electronic team boards with screen capture capability, white boards, screen projectors, networking for individual laptops, and wireless internet capabilities.  There are also many small meeting rooms, a common break room where team members can congregate for refreshments and discussions, a library with electronic subscriptions to most major ecological and biological journals, and sunny places with couches for informal discussions.

Informatics and Computing Staff Support Services

The Powell Center is distinguished by highly qualified IT and informatics staff. The FORT Information Science Branch provides Powell Center Working Groups expertise in information management and delivery, information technology and security, GIS and remote sensing applications, and other earth system information science products including Web applications, decision-support systems, and integrated access to distributed databases. Scientists routinely bring diverse data sets to team meetings requiring advanced computing support. Computational needs of various working groups are highly variable, tailored to individual needs, and met as close to immediately as possible. Data-handling at the Powell Center requires and promotes the use of metadata, allowing permanent data access beyond the life of the working group. Data resources services are available to Powell Center participants.

Downtown Fort Collins Fort Collins

Fort Collins is a pleasant city of 130,000 people situated on the Colorado Front Range. The City is located 60 miles north of Denver along major highways and travel to the Fort Collins Science Center-Powell Center is easy. Access directions from Denver International Airport. Direct shuttle service (; is available from Denver International Airport. The Powell Center is located less than a mile from Colorado State University, hotels, and restaurants.

Fort Collins is very bicycle and pedestrian friendly, with ample bicycle lanes and trails and over 300 days of sunshine per year. The Fort Collins Bike Library offers free bike loan services for up to 7 days and Powell Center staff will assist in bike pickup and delivery.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, January 07, 2013