Rural and Agriculture Finance for Food Security

Attached Document: 
Chemonics International Inc.
Document Type: 
April 1, 2010

FS Share produced  FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security in order to provide U.S. government program designers with a tool to develop effective programming for integrating rural and agricultural finance (RAF) into USAID-supported food security strategies for vulnerable countries. The FS Series includes a primer, a diagnostic checklist, and a model scope of work. The suggested interventions have the objective of stimulating discussion and knowledge sharing on finance for food security and do not offer a definitive approach for U.S. government program designers.

The primer introduces, defines, and provides an overview and case examples of RAF for food security.

This FS Series was developed by Anita Campion, Roberta van Haeften and Michelle Cassal of AZMJ, LLC and Chemonics International and reviewed by the FS Share project management team, as well as various U.S. government senior technical specialists.