Rural and Agriculture Finance

Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security - Model Scope of Work

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Document Type: 
April 1, 2010

The model scope of work provides sample language for program designers and implementers.


FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security

Attached Document: 
AZMJ LLC; Chemonics International
Document Type: 
April 1, 2010

FS Share produced FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security, including a primer, diagnostic checklist and model scope of work, to provide U.S. government (USG) program designers with a tool to develop effective programming for integrating rural and agricultural finance (RAF) into USAID-supported food security strategies for vulnerable countries.

Rural and Agriculture Finance for Food Security

Attached Document: 
Chemonics International Inc.
Document Type: 
April 1, 2010

FS Share produced  FS Series #8: Rural and Agricultural Finance for Food Security in order to provide U.S. government program designers with a tool to develop effective programming for integrating rural and agricultural finance (RAF) into USAID-supported food security strategies for vulnerable countries.

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