Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyNuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle ProgramsAdvanced Nuclear Energy

Advanced Nuclear Energy

The Advanced Nuclear Energy Programs Group conducts research and development in advanced technologies for both the front- and back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle.  Major advanced nuclear energy programs include: Nuclear Launch Safety Analysis; Small Modular Reactors; Advanced Energy Conversion Systems, Nuclear Waste Storage, Transportation, and Disposal; and Advanced Modeling and Simulation.  The Group also manages and operates several unique testing facilities used for experimental work on energy conversion systems, nuclear fuel cycle safety studies, and radiochemistry and water chemistry.


  • Advanced Energy Conversion Systems Research, Development and Demonstration
  • Systems Analysis for the Storage, Transportation and Disposal of Nuclear Wastes; Space Applications; and Small Modular Reactors
  • Nuclear Fuel and Reactor Component Testing
  • Radiological Risk Reduction and Emergency Response Planning
  • Nuclear Energy Systems Laboratory (NESL)

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