Aid for Institutions of Higher Education Impacted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

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Program Office: Office of Postsecondary Education
CFDA Number: 84.938H
Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants, Formula Grants, Cooperative Agreements

Program Description

In 2006, Aid to Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) provided hurricane-related assistance to students and postsecondary institutions under the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG; # 84.007), Leveraging Education Assistance Partnerships (LEAP; # 84.069A), and Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE; # 84.116) programs. Funding provided: (a) assistance to students who attended IHEs located in areas affected by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita and who qualified for aid under the FSEOG, LEAP, and Federal Work-Study programs; (b) emergency assistance based on demonstrated need to institutions forced to close, relocate, or significantly curtail their activities as a result of the hurricanes; and (c) assistance to institutions to help defray the cost of enrolling displaced students from schools at which operations were disrupted by the hurricanes.

In FY 2007, additional funding for # 84.938H provided grants to IHEs located in Louisiana, Mississippi, and certain counties in Alabama, Florida, and Texas to defray expenses, including expenses that would have been covered by revenue lost as a result of hurricanes Katrina or Rita, expenses already incurred, and construction expenses directly related to damage resulting from the hurricanes and for payments to enable affected institutions to provide grants to students who attend such institutions for academic years beginning on or after July 1, 2006.

Types of Projects

Of the available funding in FY 2006, $95,000,000 was for the Louisiana Board of Regents (# 84.938D) to provide assistance, based on demonstrated need, through the FIPSE program to institutions in areas affected by the hurricanes. This assistance was permitted to be used for student financial assistance, faculty and staff salaries, equipment and instruments, or any other purpose authorized under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA).

An additional $95,000,000 was for the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (# 84.938F) to provide assistance under FSEOG and LEAP. All program matching, federal share, reservation of funds, and maintenance of effort requirements normally in effect were waived in relation to these funds.

The amount of $10,000,000 was available to the secretary of education (# 84.938E) for payments to institutions to help defray unexpected expenses associated with enrolling students displaced by the hurricanes. The U.S. Department of Education established eligibility procedures and identified 99 institutions nationally to receive awards.

An additional $50,000,000 for aid for recovering institutions (# 84.938H) was provided to schools forced to close, relocate, or significantly curtail their activities as a result of damage directly caused by the hurricanes. Funds could be used only to defray expenses, including expenses that would have been covered by revenue lost as a result of a hurricane, expenses already incurred, and construction expenses directly related to damage resulting from the hurricanes.

In FY 2007, additional funding was provided for # 84.938H which, in addition to the activities allowed in FY 2006, could also be used for payments to enable affected institutions to provide grants to students who attend such institutions for academic years beginning on or after July 1, 2006.

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Last Modified: 03/29/2010