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USAF Band Receives Gill Robb Award

The United States Air Force Band was awarded the prestigious Gill Robb Wilson Award Sept. 14 at the Air Force Association Awards Ceremony. The Gill Robb Wilson Award is awarded for the most outstanding contribution to national defense in the field of arts and letters, including speaking, writing, media relations, sculpting and painting.


Jazz Heritage Series is Up and Running

The Jazz Heritage Series, which began this year's concerts on Friday, September 11, got off to a hot start with the New York Voices. Not only did they perform with the Airmen of Note at George Washington University's Lisner Auditorium, but they also made a concert recording in Gabriel Hall--the home of the United States Air Force Band--for future radio and internet broadcast. The next concert in the series will take place on Friday, October 2nd, and will feature jazz organist Joey DeFrancesco.


A Day in the Life...

The Air Force Strings

The Air Force Strings, one of the premier and most-requested ensembles in the United States Air Force, continue to enjoy a diverse and varied mission serving our nation, the military community worldwide and the National Capital Region -- up close and over the airwaves. Our group consists of 22 of the finest conservatory-trained musicians, each of whom has chosen to represent their country as Airmen musicians. Whether performing on our own as the Air Force Strings or with winds and brass as the Air Force Symphony Orchestra, each week presents us with unique and rewarding musical challenges.


Upcoming Events

Jazz Heritage Series Concert at
Lisner Auditorium

Oct 2--Washington, DC

Concert Band and Singing Sergeants
on Tour!

Oct 4-16--VA, NC, SC, & GA

Please see our calendar for specific information on these and other upcoming performances!

A Tribute to Air Force Song's 70th Anniversary

Lt. Col. Alan Sierichs, United States Air Force Band commander and conductor, conducts The Air Force Band in the newly written "Off We Go," a 70th anniversary tribute to the "Air Force Song." The rehearsal of "Off We Go" was held in audience of Ron Crawford, son of Robert Macarthur Crawford, composer of the "Air Force Song." Ron came from New York as a guest of the Air Force to attend the premier of the new song in honor of his father. "Off We Go" is a 22-minute piece with a narration about the history of the song and the composer, including how Robert's composition was unanimously chosen out of the nearly 800 musical submissions for the official Air Force song. Click here to see the full-sized photo.

Concert Band and Singing Sergeants on Tour!

In just a few days, the Concert Band and Singing Sergeants will embark on a 13-day tour through Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. All of the concerts will be free and open to the public, but do require tickets. The latest information concerning ticket distribution for each performance will be posted on our website calendar. The tour, which takes place on October 4-16, will present a great variety of musical styles and genres--something for everyone!


Hails and Farewells

The United States Air Force Band wishes to say thank you and farewell to the following member:

Master Sgt. Andrew Cleaver, Operations - Retirement

The United States Air Force Band is continually working to expand our archives and capture details of the historic music made throughout the years. "Recollections" was designed to enlist your help in this process. Each month we include a photo, or collection of photos, where we welcome your memories and recollections. Please take a moment to reflect on the photographs shown here. If you have any insight as to who is in them, when or where they were taken, or any stories about the event, please email Band Historian Technical Sgt. Tracey MacDonald at Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

Please click the image below to see it on our website. When there, select "Download Full Image" to view a larger, more detailed picture.

To read newly-discovered background information pertaining to the photos we included in last month's Cadenza, please click here.

The Cadenza Team would like express our sincere appreciation to Senior Master Sgt. Tim Leahey for stepping in and taking over the Graphic Layout, Online Distribution, & Web Publishing for the September edition. We couldn't have done it without him! We also welcome back Technical Sgt. Matthew Smith who has returned as a Distinguished Graduate from the Noncommissioned Officers Academy!


Lieutenant Colonel Alan C. Sierichs, Commander & Music Director
Senior Master Sergeant Robin A. McConnell, Managing Editor
Master Sergeant Brian McCurdy, Editor in Chief
Technical Sergeant Matthew Smith, Graphic Layout, Online Distribution, & Web Publishing
Master Sergeant Matthew J. Irish, Contributing Editor
Technical Sergeants Brooke Emery and Josh Kowalsky, Contributing Editors
Technical Sergeant Tracey MacDonald, Band Historian
Master Sergeant Linda C. Waring, Director of Photo Services

BAFB Photo Lab, Photography

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