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Inauguration Day Inaugural Preparation Inaugural Balls A Presidential Farewell
  Young Artist Winner Solo Chair  

Inauguration Day: History in the Making

This was an Inauguration Day that members of The United States Air Force Band will never forget. According to the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee, more than 5,000 men and women in uniform provided ceremonial support on January 20th. The obvious historic nature of this day was enough to make the event memorable, let alone the concerns about traffic jams, security and logistics. The Band went to great measures to ensure that the day would go off without a hitch.


The U.S. Air Force Band performs while marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in the Presidential Inauguration Parade for President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009.

The Road to the Inaugural

Drum major, Chief Master Sergeant Edward Teleky leads a 99-piece Air Force Band in the January morning rain while preparing his team to perform during the Inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama.
After a week of cold, early mornings, the band was ready for the Inaugural Parade. Due to concerns about traffic and road closures around the D.C. metro area, Band members actually slept overnight in the Band building at Bolling Air Force Base the Monday night before the Inaugural. As with many other aspects of this historic occasion, this was a first for The USAF Band.


Inauguration Day - What a Ball!

Inauguration Day does not end at the conclusion of the parade--at least not for many members of The United States Air Force Band. Once the parade is over, it's time to get back on the bus and head to the Inaugural Balls. One of the balls that the Band was assigned to was the Youth Ball, which featured appearances by celebrities such as Kanye West, Demi Moore and Rosario Dawson. Aimed for 18-35 year-olds, the Youth Ball was truly an unforgettable experience for the band and the 7,000 attendees.


Air Force Band of Liberty Front and Center at Farewell Ceremony

Not only was Inauguration Day a time to swear in the new commander in chief, but it was also a time for The USAF Band to provide support for an official departure ceremony for former President Bush and former Vice President Cheney.

More than 1,000 attendees gathered at Andrews Air Force Base to say farewell to both leaders. The entire Inaugural festivities required not only members from The USAF Band to participate, but other Air Force bands across the career field as well. The Brass Quintet from The Band of Liberty at Hanscom Air Force Base provided background music and entertainment for the gathering crowd.


Katherine Kohler Wins 2009 Colonel George S. Howard Young Artist Competition

The United States Air Force Band is proud to announce that Katherine Kohler, an 11th grade clarinetist at Neuqua High School in Naperville, Illinois, has won the 2009 Colonel George S. Howard Young Artist Competition.

Having played clarinet since the age of eight, Katherine already has extensive performance experience as a student musician. Currently, she is a member of her high school's Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra. Additionally, Katherine plays co-principal clarinet with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra and Encore Chamber Orchestra. For the past two summers she has played principal clarinet in the Birch Creek Symphony Orchestra at the Music Performance Center in Door County, Wisconsin, and was awarded a scholarship there as the outstanding woodwind instrumentalist.

Katherine Kohler

Solo Chair - A Few Minutes with TSgt Devon Landis

Technical Sergeant Devon H. Landis is the assistant librarian for The United States Air Force Band. Originally from Moline, IL, her career in the Air Force began in 2006.

Sergeant Landis is a 1997 graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy in Interlochen, Mich. where she received the Young Artist Award and served as principal violist of the Interlochen Arts Academy Orchestra. In 2001, she received a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Theory from the Eastman School of Music. While at Eastman she was the principal violist of the Eastman Philharmonia. Additionally, she performed with and composed for the Eastman Women's Choral.

She has performed at the Aspen Music Festival, the Spoleto USA Festival, the Henry Mancini Institute and with the New World and Arkansas Symphonies. She has worked with artists such as John Williams, Michael Tilson Thomas, Yo-Yo Ma and Garrison Keillor. Sergeant Landis' teachers include John Graham, Dr John S. Ross and David Holland. Her musical compositions are published by Kagarice Brass Editions



Colonel Dennis M. Layendecker, Commander & Music Director
Chief Master Sergeant Elizabeth Campeau, Director of Marketing & Outreach
Senior Master Sergeant Robin A. McConnell, Managing Editor
Master Sergeant Brian McCurdy, Editor in Chief
Technical Sergeant Matthew Smith, Graphic Layout, Electronic Distribution, and Web Publishing
Master Sergeant Matthew J. Irish, Contributing Editor
Technical Sergeants Brooke Emery and Josh Kowalsky, Contributing Editors
Senior Master Sergeant Robert Mesite, Master Sergeant Linda C. Waring, BAFB Photo Lab, Photography

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