NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Now Computing at NERSC

A small sample of jobs now running on NERSC's supercomputers.

repo m1516 image
Advanced Simulation of Pore Scale Reactive Transport Processes Associated with Carbon Sequestration (m1516)
DOE Office Advanced Scientific Computing Research Science AreaGeoscience InvestigatorDavid Trebotich, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ComputerHopper Cores49,152 Core Hours Used
repo m412 image
Investigations of advanced ignition physics and extreme states of matter (m412)
DOE Office Fusion Energy Sciences Science AreaFusion Energy InvestigatorWarren Mori, University of California Los Angeles
ComputerHopper Cores20,016 Core Hours Used
repo m387 image
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Theory of nanostructured materials (m387)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences Science AreaMaterials Science InvestigatorJeffrey Neaton, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ComputerHopper Cores4,800 Core Hours Used
repo mp94 image
Simulation of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas (mp94)
DOE Office Fusion Energy Sciences Science AreaFusion Energy InvestigatorRonald E. Waltz, General Atomics
ComputerHopper Cores4,608 Core Hours Used
repo m1343 image
Projections of Ice Sheet Evolution Using Advanced Ice and Ocean Models (m1343)
DOE Office Biological & Environmental Research Science AreaClimate Research InvestigatorWilliam D. Collins, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
ComputerHopper Cores3,840 Core Hours Used
repo m647 image
Numerical Simulations of Defects and Chemical Reactions at Surfaces and Interfaces (m647)
DOE Office Basic Energy Sciences Science AreaMaterials Science InvestigatorSergey Rashkeev, Idaho National Laboratory
ComputerCarver Cores512 Core Hours Used