Export Management & Compliance Program (EMCP)

Tom Andrukonis

The requirements described in the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) may seem overwhelming without a system to capture analysis, decisions, accountability and implementing procedures. An EMCP takes individual decisions and pieces of information and builds them into an organized, integrated system. It is a program which can be established to manage export-related decisions and transactions to ensure compliance with the EAR and license conditions.

An EMCP can:

  • Reinforce senior management commitment to comply with U.S. export laws and regulations to all parties within the company.
  • Provide management structure and organization for the processing of export transactions.
  • Enhance accountability for export control tasks by identifying who is responsible for performing each part of the process and who is responsible for overall effectiveness of the EMCP.
  • Provide compliance safeguards throughout a company's supply chain to ensure order processing due diligence checks produce consistent export decisions.
  • Provide written instructions for employees to blend into their daily responsibilities to "screen" export transactions against general prohibitions of exports, reexports, and selected transfers to certain end-uses and end-users.
  • Serve as a vehicle to communicate red flag indicators that raise questions about the legitimacy of a customer or transaction.
  • Provide personnel with tools to help them ensure they are performing their export control functions accurately and consistently.
  • Identify transactions that could normally be exported without a license, but because of the end-use or end-user, require a license.
  • Streamline the process and reduce time spent on compliance activities when employees have written instructions, tools, and on-going training.
  • Protect employees through training and awareness programs from inadvertently violating the EAR.

The links included on the top right can be helpful in building or enhancing your EMCP. Also, if you have questions on developing your compliance program, or would like BIS to review your organization's EMCP and provide feedback, please see "Contact Us," which is listed in the first box on the right of this page.


Contact Us  

Tom Andrukonis
Phone:  (202) 482 - 6393
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bryce Bewley
Phone:  (202) 482 - 8016
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Orestes Theocharides
Phone:  (202) 482 - 3405
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ken Soo
Phone:  (202) 482 - 6751
Email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.