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U.S. Geological Survey - Microbiology

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Microbiology Image Gallery

Cyanobacteria, human cells, other microbes, and more: images captured by USGS personnel related to their microbiology research.


Main Gallery

The following public domain images were created by USGS personnel. To credit USGS images please see USGS Information Policies and Instructions.

Anabaena planktonica. Photo credit: Barry H. Rosen, USGS

(twenty-five images)


Other Bacteria and Microbes
(thirteen images)

Rana muscosa. Photo credit: Adam R. Backlin, USGS

Plants and Animals
(fourteen images)


(fourteen images)



More Microorganism Image Galleries

  • USGS Multimedia Gallery
    The USGS Video and Image Gallery is a one-stop collection of videos, photography, and other imagery. All items in this gallery are considered public domain.
  • EPA Microbial Mugshots External link
    Public domain photographs by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff scientists using electron microscopy and confocal microscopy.
  • NBII Library of Images From the Environment External link
    Public domain and fair use photographs of microscopic organisms and images of the environment.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, 14-Jan-2013 12:58:09 MST
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