Federal Aviation Administration

RVSM Documentation

The documents on this web page are in MS Powerpoint and Word format.

Table of Contents

US RVSM Approvals

For Additional information or changes to this database please contact Stephanie Beritsky.

The abridged version of the database is available below in Excel and PDF format.

Please visit the NAARMO web site for additional AGHME monitoring status results.

Getting Started

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Frequently Asked Questions – Applicable to all Operators

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Aircraft Certification (AIR) Policy/Procedures

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FAA Inspector Guidance

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Documents Applicable to All RVSM Approvals

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Small Commercial / General Aviation Aircraft Documentation

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Large Transport Documentation

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Monitoring Requirements / Procedures

      Monitoring data obtained to fulfill the monitoring requirements for one region can be used to fulfill the monitoring requirements for another region. Regional Monitoring Agencies coordinate with each other to exchange database information on monitoring results.

    • FAA RVSM Minimum Monitoring Policy (MS Word)(9 Mar 2011)
    • RVSM Monitoring Requirements–US Domestic Monitoring Policy (MS PowerPoint) Implementation Briefing with Audio (MS PowerPoint (25 April 2011) – This briefing provides an excellent overview of the RVSM Minimum Monitoring Policy that went into effect on 18 May 2011. It has an Audio presentation explaining the Long Term Monitoring Requirements and Operators can use this to assist in understanding the policy, procedures and points of contacts in the RVSM Monitoring Program.
    • RVSM Monitoring Requirements – US Domestic Monitoring Policy (MS PowerPoint) Implementation Briefing without Audio. This is the same briefing above but does not have the audio track. It is smaller and easier to download.
    • Monitoring Procedures for US Operators (MS Word) (28 Apr 2011) – This document contains procedures, contacts and forms for US operators planning to use the portable GPS-based Monitoring Unit (GMU), the ground based Height Monitoring Unit (HMU) or the Domestic U.S. RVSM ground-based monitoring system — the AGHME (Aircraft Geometric Height Measurement Element).
    • Domestic US RVSM Monitoring System: Location and Procedures Access the location and procedures for the Aircraft Geometric Height Measurement Element (AGHME).
    • Monitoring Procedures for Non-US Operators — Non-US operators will find the generic monitoring procedures for individual areas of operation listed below.
  • Contacts to schedule GPS-based Monitoring Unit (GMU)
  • RVSM Minimum Monitoring Requirements Tables (MMR Chart) for North America (MS Word) (29 Jun 2010)
  • RVSM Monitoring: Situations Where Monitoring Not Completed On Time (MS Word) (25 Feb 2011) – This document provides guidance for situations where the operator does not complete RVSM monitoring requirements on time.
  • Domestic US RVSM: Monitoring Procedures for US Operators:
    See the monitoring procedures for US operators published above.
  • Domestic US RVSM/North American Monitoring Procedures for Non-US Operators:
    See NAARMO website for Domestic US Registry and Monitoring documents
  • European Monitoring Requirements and Procedures:
    • Eurocontrol RVSM homepage European monitoring procedures are posted in the "Aircraft Operators" section and in the "Monitoring Procedures for US Operators" document posted under item 1b above.
  • Caribbean & South American Monitoring Agency (CARSAMMA) – contacts and forms for registration on RVSM approvals database

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Registration on RVSM Approvals Database

  • Civil Aviation Authority Action to Register Aircraft and Operators on Regional Monitoring Agency RVSM Approvals Databases. In accordance with ICAO regional agreements, each country's civil aviation authorities must maintain a database of RVSM approved operators and airframes and provide that information to the appropriate Regional Monitoring Agency. Procedures for coordination of aircraft and operator data are provided below:
  • FAA RVSM Approvals Database for US Operators. The Separation Standards Group at the FAA Technical Center (AJP-7B1) maintains the FAA database of RVSM approved airframes and operators. AJP-7B1 obtains the required information on US operators and airframes directly from the FAA Flight Standards (AFS) Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem (PTRS). AFS Inspector guidance provides direction to AFS inspectors for completing the PTRS entries. Once an operator has completed the approval process with the appropriate AFS field office, no further action is required on the part of the operator to register on either the FAA RVSM Approvals Database or on the databases maintained by other Regional Monitoring Agencies (e.g., North Atlantic Central Monitoring Agency). AJP-7B1 provides operator and aircraft information to other Regional Monitoring Agencies.
  • Civil Aviation Authority Action for Non-US Operators
    • Asia Pacific: Access Asia / Pacific Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization (APARMO) website. Under "APARMO Documentation" see: "Guidance and Procedures for the Registration of RVSM Approvals in the Asia/Pacific Region. (15 Feb 2002)
    • North America: North American Approvals Registry and Monitoring Organization (NAARMO).
    • Europe Contact the State Liaison specialist on the Eurocontrol User Support Cell.
    • Caribbean & South American Monitoring Agency (CARSAMMA) – contacts and forms for registration on the CARSAMMA database.

For additional information or changes to this database please contact Stephanie Beritsky.

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Area of Operations Specific Information & Operational Policy/Procedures

North American RVSM: Information and Operational Policy/Procedures

Domestic RVSM

Canada RVSM

Mexico RVSM

  • Documents for January 20, 2005 implementation to be added.

Gulf of Mexico

Global Areas of Operation: Operational Policy/Procedures



Caribbean and South America

  • To be added

European RVSM Information

  • Operator Requirements (MS Word) – FAA and European RVSM Aircraft and Operator Approval Documents (26 Apr 2002)

North Atlantic

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Safety Reporting

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Page Last Modified: 10/03/12 14:22 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/enroute/rvsm/documentation/